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Buying etiquette for sales folder...
jossey - 13/2/13 at 08:51 PM

May sound like a rant but it isn't.

Is there any standard buying etiquette for the for sale folder....

This isn't a stab at carlknight either.

I have seen 4 things recently in the for sale section and been the first to post a response and then I get a its sold someone beat you to it.

That's fine but can't people put a post on the topic worth u2u Sent so others know they ain't 1st

More a thought I want to share...

I started this evening calling my mate to say I found the item he wanted n he was transferring cash to me to sort it.


pekwah1 - 13/2/13 at 08:55 PM

does it really matter?
whether they post on the thread or not they may still beat you to it, just the same as if it was also advertised else where....

carlknight1982 - 13/2/13 at 08:57 PM

It's a fair comment mate I've been there myself and understand the frustration.

r1_pete - 13/2/13 at 09:00 PM

It can be awkward, I've experienced both sides, never been any animosity, just accept I was beaten, and explain U2U came before a reply.

Its tricky, while one prospective is replying another can be U2Uing......

loggyboy - 13/2/13 at 09:02 PM

Thats life, that's what the people say.... you cant alway have what you want, but sometimes you get what u need...

scootz - 13/2/13 at 09:25 PM

Can be awkward... I've seen me opening a sales-dialogue with someone who's been the first to reply in the thread and then subsequently noticing that I have a U2U from someone else that preceded the posting (and vice-versa).

That said, it's always been resolved without any dummies being thrown out of prams due to the general decency of those involved!

big_wasa - 13/2/13 at 09:34 PM

Never that black and white.

[Edited on 13/2/13 by big_wasa]

scootz - 13/2/13 at 09:35 PM

Ps... if it was THIS issue that sparked this thread, then you can't have any complaints as you've just enquired... and not committed to buy.

I'm not for a second suggesting that you fell into this category, but as a seller, I've lost count of the number of times where I've held off selling to someone who is adamant they will buy the item now because the first person to show an interest kept asking question after question... and then decided some time later that they didn't want to take their initial 'dibs' further (by which time the guy who was definite about wanting to buy it had found another one).

So for me, it's now a case of no dibs... I'll answer any questions, but will sell if someone else comes in with a firm offer to buy.

JoelP - 13/2/13 at 09:38 PM

I've had the same as a seller. With the time stamp on both posts and u2us it's clear which arrived first, IME people usually appreciate that either response is valid. I can easily how it could be annoying though!

[Edited on 13/2/13 by JoelP]

jossey - 13/2/13 at 09:42 PM

I totally agree with all the above and yes I have accepted that I lose out on stuff. I guess this was more about a few months ago I found something and was told to collect it as I was the first to post then the guy came back 2 days later just before I was heading out to collect Saying someone on here had emailed before me and he won it. Which would have been fine but I had booked a hotel and arranged work around it.

Then since then I've been the first to post 3 other times and told I had missed out.

I appreciate that stuff can be advertised elsewhere etc.

Anyway my little rant is over. Those who know me know I love the site and really do appreciate what it does an the normal workings of the site....

David stuck in Barnstaple in another premier inn.

jossey - 13/2/13 at 09:44 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Ps... if it was THIS issue that sparked this thread, then you can't have any complaints as you've just enquired... and not committed to buy.

I'm not for a second suggesting that you fell into this category, but as a seller, I've lost count of the number of times where I've held off selling to someone who is adamant they will buy the item now because the first person to show an interest kept asking question after question... and then decided some time later that they didn't want to take their initial 'dibs' further (by which time the guy who was definite about wanting to buy it had found another one).

So for me, it's now a case of no dibs... I'll answer any questions, but will sell if someone else comes in with a firm offer to buy.

*******No not this one although this was what set my thought of the post.

I knew my mate was after one n I was interested for me. I noticed I was ye first to post. I rang my mate n he said get it for him but ye I didn't expect to have 1st dibs on the engine.

Like I said in the original post it is just a little frustrating especially on my 1st out of the 4 I've seen but I know this happens. Would love it be more clear on what is sold n what isn't....*********

[Edited on 13/2/13 by jossey]

designer - 14/2/13 at 08:36 AM

I think that the problem occurs when a 'promise' to buy from a man on the other side of the country gets beaten by a bloke at the door with cash.

How many on here have promised to buy something and then pulled out?

dave r - 14/2/13 at 09:10 AM

man standing at door with cash in hand wins everytime

Not Anumber - 14/2/13 at 10:23 AM

Money in the hand wins every time irrespective of how big or small the sale is.

Someone i knew was in the dumps because a house she'd been trying to buy appeard to have been snapped up by another buyer for a tiny amount more and the estate agent had said it was final. I told her to ignore the estate agent's garbage and take £ 2 k in cash round the seller as a prrof of faith and tell them she'd match the other people's offer. It worked.

When selling anything outside Ebay I take a polite but no nonsense approach and tell prospective buyers as there has been other interest they will need to fix a firm date to collect the item and must secure it with a deposit by PayPal or bank transfer. If it happens i ilet everyone else know its sold, if it doesn't happen I just offer it to the next in line until its sold.

mcerd1 - 14/2/13 at 10:36 AM

Originally posted by designerHow many on here have promised to buy something and then pulled out?

I really try hard to avoid that
I might have done it once or twice on things I've inquired about, but when commit to buying thats it set in stone as far as I'm concerned

up in this part of the world when you've agreed a deal its much harder to back out - even a verbal contract can still be legally binding (even when your buying something big like a house )

happened recently to my parents when they were buying some land - the seller messed everyone around telling at least 3 people that they had won it - but she'd told my parents first so was effectivly forced to sell to them on legal advice
(she could have backed out, but the legal side could then drag on forever....)

[Edited on 14/2/2013 by mcerd1]

Peteff - 15/2/13 at 01:40 PM

On a forum my wife uses there are no replies allowed in For Sale. The seller puts up what they are selling and what they want for it then prospective buyers send PM or U2U and the seller picks who they want to sell it to. After the money changes hands they add Sold to the message and it is done with. They were fed up of people calling dibs as if that got it for them then coming up with excuses for not buying after interest was gone and the item had fallen of the front page. Yes please in the thread and a U2U would be a civilised alternative. Calling dibs was alright for the playground but when money is changing hands you want a firm decision.

cliftyhanger - 15/2/13 at 06:17 PM

The dibs thing is hopeless. No such thing, you can't reserve something on the off chance you may, or may not, buy it.
First one to say definite yes (ideally by making payment) is the one. I guess if negotiations start that can be taken as "provisionally sold" as long as there are no conditions attached. Likewise buyers asking for the seller to bend over backwards. Of course a simple sale will take precedence.