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Green westfield ****XTM in griffin cars horsham
pekwah1 - 19/4/13 at 01:45 PM

Anyone on here?

Just went in asking for some welding and saw your car getting driven in....!

umgrybab - 19/4/13 at 07:05 PM

Not me. I didn't know where that place was but turns out I pass it all the time. Seems to be close to you.

pekwah1 - 19/4/13 at 08:53 PM

If there wasn't a metal fence dividing, i'd live a 15 second walk from it!
how come you pass there every day? it's not really a 'passing' road..... well unless you mean you drive down hurst road!

umgrybab - 20/4/13 at 05:18 PM

I find myself visiting Alsfords for timber quite regularly, penalty of being a weekend warrior.

pekwah1 - 20/4/13 at 05:48 PM

Oh right! My garage backs right onto their yard!
Come and park up in my road and you could probably help yourself p