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Books that will help me with my build..?
jps - 13/10/13 at 10:42 AM

I've got £40 to spend at Waterstones, can anyone recommend some books that will assist with my build (a very standard Haynes Roadster)?

I've already got 'The Book' and the Haynes manuals for my donor.

I've also got an ancient book that my dad gave me which covers ' motor vehicle basics', it's from the '60s, but then a lot of the fundamentals haven't changed I guess...

the thing I'm dreading is sorting the electrics, I have no knowledge in this area ( at the moment!), so a good book on this wouldn't go amiss!

Simon - 13/10/13 at 12:05 PM

Electrics can be scary - I still look at a diagram to wire a plug (I'm 47 btw ).

However, car wiring is actually very very easy; despite my comment above, I made a loom from scratch using the old Sierra one.

At the end of the day, all you are doing is getting power down a cable to, say a brake light, a side light etc so all it needs is a fusebox (with a supply either ign switched or not depending on what it's for), wire to the items using the power and a switch etc in the way (like a pedal switch for brake lights etc etc). Indicators are a bit more involved (because of the hazard light issue) but there are diagrams on here somewhere that will make even that easy.

If you get a second hand proper Mini Haynes manual, the wiring diagrams are so simple to follow; you just need to study them for a while, start at say a taillight, and follow the wires back and see where they go.

I'd be inclined to wait and see if you get stuck, and even then, you'll prob get all the answers you need on here.



Mr C - 13/10/13 at 12:36 PM

John Dickens book on electrics is helpful covers all the basics and give you wiring diagrams which are particulary helpful for indicators/hazards and headlights. Not sure if waterstones can get it as Its available through complete kitcar

designer - 13/10/13 at 04:54 PM

You could always buy mine!!***

Electrics are easy when you split the job into separate circuits.

jps - 13/10/13 at 05:32 PM

Originally posted by designer
You could always buy mine!!***

Electrics are easy when you split the job into separate circuits.

will I be able to get it via waterstones though?

designer - 13/10/13 at 06:08 PM


will I be able to get it via waterstones though?

It's due on Amazon any time now; in fact, it's a week late.

Waterstones should be able to order it for you; I think!!, through the ISBN number.