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Petrol disposal
Dickyboy - 14/1/14 at 12:37 PM

I've just drained the tank as part of the refurbish and have about two gallons of petrol/water/rust mixture to dispose of. Anybody know what to do with it, can't imagine the local council being too enthusiastic!

owelly - 14/1/14 at 12:46 PM

My local council waste recycling depot has a huge tank for old engine oil. If there is one local to you, chuck it in there.

daviep - 14/1/14 at 12:47 PM

Bottom of the garden

JohnN - 14/1/14 at 12:52 PM

Bonfire juice

loggyboy - 14/1/14 at 01:20 PM

leave it exposed/venticalted but under cover (so rain cant top it up) - over a few weeks the fuel will evaporate leaving just the water and rust that can be washed down a drain.

peter030371 - 14/1/14 at 04:25 PM

Originally posted by JohnN
Bonfire juice

Seen the results of this.....3rd degree burns are not nice. Use oil/ diesel to start fires NOT petrol

matt_claydon - 14/1/14 at 04:52 PM

As above, the council tip will have a big tank for disposal of oil etc.