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Sunday blast - North Herts
Toprivetguns - 7/4/17 at 05:10 PM

Anybody around Sunday for a wee drive in the country? I'm sure we have a few locosters in the North Herts area. Perhaps starting in baldock then blast towards buntingford and surrounding areas? Would be a shame to waste this magnificent inbound weather.

Open to suggestions and other scenic routes.

Andybarbet - 7/4/17 at 06:17 PM

I live in Stevenage but my cars a bare chassis unfortunately.

Mind you, I'm going to make the most of the weather by carrying on with arranging the garage as we only moved in here just before Christmas.

I do finally have everything car related here now so that's a bonus.

Have a great drive :-)

Toprivetguns - 8/4/17 at 11:39 AM

Thanks mate - hopefully this time next year you'll be on the road.