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builders in the States
ss2bp1 - 22/1/05 at 06:49 PM

Me and a buddy were looking at building a pair of Locosts for street and some track use (mostly auto-cross). Anyways, we were wondering if there any guys from the States that we could meet with to see a completed Locost. I want to get a better feel for the car before I decide to spend the money. I'm in Indiana right now, but for spring break we're driving down to Florida and then up to Canada, so anywhere in between would be cool. Thanks a lot.

Greg '77 280Z

white130d - 22/1/05 at 08:39 PM

I am in East Tennessee right at the Virginia border.....


ss2bp1 - 23/1/05 at 05:47 AM

That would be great if you wouldn't mind us stopping by sometime to take a look at your car. If it worked out, it would be between the last week of February and the first of week March. I've never actually seen one of these, so I'm excited to see what they look like.


derf - 26/1/05 at 04:16 PM

I'm in central Jersey, depending on how you will get to canadia from florida... I'm about 10 minutes of of I95 which fiollows the east coast, but get off at the NY Thruway, head north for 2 hours and then you have your choice either montreal or niagra fall.

Alan B - 26/1/05 at 04:34 PM

Originally posted by derf
... I'm about 10 minutes of of I95 which fiollows the east coast,....l.

Same here......but in East central FL