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Austin 7 special picture in the Ron Champion book, any more info on this car?
GuyA - 28/1/05 at 02:57 PM

Hi All,

In the book by Ron Champion called 'build your own spots car for £250' (I'm sure we all know the one) there is a picture of an Austin 7 Special a few pages in.

Does anyone know if there is any more information about this car, i.e. pictures on the internet etc? I've found lots of other Austin 7's but not this particular one.

nick205 - 28/1/05 at 05:46 PM

Can't find any other pics on the net, but it looks very similar to a friends Austin Speedy. The Speedy was a re-bodied Austin 7 of which they didn't make much more than 50 IIRC.

GuyA - 31/1/05 at 01:11 PM

Thanks for that Nick, I'll keep trawling