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Crossflow HT Leads
robinsoncrusoe55 - 21/12/24 at 01:51 PM

Good afternoon all

I'm looking to replace the HT leads on my crossflow engined locost,

and was wondering if anyone had got any particular supplier recommendations.

I was looking more, for quality of manufacture and durability, rather than cheapness,

any suggestions gratefully received


gremlin1234 - 21/12/24 at 02:47 PM

so many modern pattern parts are inferior
I suggest if you do change them, you keep the old ones in a spares bin/ the bottom of your toolbox.

JMW - 21/12/24 at 04:04 PM

I got a set built by Mr Retroleads Ltd (07760 872 910 for my Toyota 4A-GE for £45 in 2023. It was necessary to use the old ones as a pattern as the edis module is not on the engine, unlike your distributor of course.

No connection with the business, just a happy customer.