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Guess who's been reading OUR book?
Mark Allanson - 2/12/02 at 06:22 PM

looks kinda cute dunnit! Rescued attachment BMW LocostSML.jpg
Rescued attachment BMW LocostSML.jpg

stephen_gusterson - 2/12/02 at 06:55 PM

yes, it does look nice.

Never get through sva tho.....the roll hoop isnt braced!



locodude - 2/12/02 at 07:10 PM

That is one ugly german bastard! They bombed our chippy you know!

bob - 2/12/02 at 07:25 PM

Got to agree with PTM on this one,that is one ugly mother

Viper - 2/12/02 at 07:37 PM

first they butt f**k the Mini now this, have they no shame...

bsilly - 2/12/02 at 10:27 PM

zes und if ze britz ad losd ze var .zay vud bin mad en ze ow you say..britshh zlaylender vactori..

chrisg - 2/12/02 at 11:11 PM

Christ a BMW just4/2!

I sat in that at the '96 frankfurt motor show!

(name dropper)



Rorty - 3/12/02 at 01:19 AM

OK, drag me into the centre of town and stone me, but I think that has raised the bar! It's gorgeous....except for the top shock mounts, and the pie warmer where the scuttle should be.
The roll hoop may not be legal, but at least it looks like it may actually be high enough to be of use to tall drivers. That, and the higher sides to the body, make it look more like a car than the usual Sevenesque "girraffe driving a skateboard" look.
Anyway, it's probably only got a poxy little sixty something horsepower motor. Please somebody prove me wrong, I want one.

Viper - 3/12/02 at 01:56 PM

Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
yes, it does look nice.

Never get through sva tho.....the roll hoop isnt braced!



where in the SVA book does it say the hoop has to be braced?

Stu16v - 3/12/02 at 02:18 PM

And why hasnt anybody told Westfield?

bob - 3/12/02 at 05:19 PM


Viper - 3/12/02 at 06:27 PM

or Tiger.......but then i don't suppose it would make any difference to Tiger..(got me bitchin head on)

stephen_gusterson - 3/12/02 at 06:58 PM

my car isnt even going to have a roll bar, cos it wouldnt look right. Most sports cars dont - and if its like the bmw Z3 has, you'd lose the top of your head anyway.

There is conflicting stuff about roll bars.

My SVA manual indeed has a pic of a seven with no bracing on it!

However, there were discussions on TOL over a year ago about SVA fails at certain stations, and of bars just folding over and collapsing.

It may be that its more relevent if you use the roll bar as a seat belt anchor.

In section 5, annex 1 of my 2000 edition book, there is a drawing of seat belt fixing requirements, and it refers to 'roll cage' bracing. OK, not exactly a roll cage, but it backs up what I heard on the TOL group.

If its interpreted differently from what I have experienced in discussions, them I am sure I must have been mislead.



[Edited on 3/12/02 by stephen_gusterson]

bass - 7/12/02 at 03:27 PM

wrong rorty, its got an 100bhp bmw k1100 m/cycle engine which puts the 1212 pounds to a speed of 60 in 6 secs. its got side impact bars and a muititude of new ideas,//

philgregson - 7/12/02 at 05:56 PM

Was in two minds before - verging on not keen but I must say that looking at the photos on the link above I'm more impressed.

I can think of ways it could be better but it's not so bloody bad.

jollygreengiant - 7/12/02 at 11:20 PM

Beemer drives who wants them or needs them. One driver I met a couple of years back swore blind that the 316 was a 16 vavle V6. I even showed him the engine & counted out the cylinders, but he wouldn't believe me.

Just goes to prove that there are no new ideas, just revamped good ones. Just imagine getting caught in the one upman ship between the W******ld boys and the new B*W boys. here goes the Battle of Britain again.

[Edited on 12/7/02 by jollygreengiant]