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Another nice body design
derf - 16/10/05 at 01:08 PM

Soul-tez - 16/10/05 at 01:28 PM

Nevermind inboard suspension. This one's got invisible suspension.

Jasper - 16/10/05 at 01:33 PM

The thing that make this car look nice is it's lack of roll bar (roll hoops aren't high enough), screen or fly creen, wheel arches etc etc, all which makes a standard Se7en less than beautiful (IMO!!) but necessary on a finished car.....

Avoneer - 16/10/05 at 02:40 PM

Toniq anyone?


donut - 16/10/05 at 02:42 PM

Nice design but the front looks like someone has shoved a large marrow up it's exhaust pipe

Looks a bit suprised!

Triton - 16/10/05 at 02:56 PM

I like that

MikeR - 16/10/05 at 02:56 PM

also note the seats - they appear to me to have the rally head restraint bits on the them - yet they are just about the size of the side of the car which is also about the size of the wheels.........

either i'm wrong (likely) or ......

its got wheels the size of a trucks
its had all its sizes messed about with to make it look good.

quite like the marrow expression mind you

Peteff - 16/10/05 at 03:11 PM

Why don't these concepts ever have mudguards/wings/fenders?. If there's going to be room for an engine in there with that flat bonnet the driver will look like he's sat in a deep sided bath and peering over the side.

rusty nuts - 16/10/05 at 05:37 PM

At least with that front suspension you wouldn't have to worry about sharp edges for SVA.

Rorty - 17/10/05 at 05:31 AM

Nicely rendered model. I like the one-piece exhaust which could be hydroformed in reality.
The wheels do look disproportionately large.

steve_gus - 17/10/05 at 06:51 PM

the back makes it look like an ash tray