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He's been too Derbyshire, honest.......
Jon Ison - 24/12/05 at 10:14 PM

proof........ Rescued attachment xmas.JPG
Rescued attachment xmas.JPG

jock - 24/12/05 at 10:54 PM

looks like you are getting 1wheel look to the left of pic

Hellfire - 24/12/05 at 11:04 PM

Just been here too...

tadltd - 24/12/05 at 11:10 PM

He's been up here too!!

raccoonradar - 24/12/05 at 11:17 PM

he must be using nitrous tonight, scotland then maltby and now kiveton

[Edited on 24/12/05 by raccoonradar]

Avoneer - 24/12/05 at 11:19 PM

And here...

Jon - where are the kids presents?

Sorry one isn't a digidash.


Triton - 24/12/05 at 11:20 PM

And Cornwall....boy that geeza gets about

welderman - 25/12/05 at 12:16 AM

Just been to Lancashire too.

DorsetStrider - 25/12/05 at 12:22 AM

News Just In.....

Reports are coming in of a disaster over Norway. It would appear that Santa's Sleigh may have broken up in mid air.
Blisten is dead, Comet is in a comer, Donor is in a kabab after being shredded by failing debris.

As for the big man himself there has been no word. Rescue crews are working round the clock but hopes of finding him alive are fading fast.

Richard Head of the Air Accident Investogation branch tonight said that he hopes this will prove to be an example to those people planing on flying around the world in a sleigh pulled by reindeers. "It's obvious that these craft are not safe, and I will be recommending that they are all grounded until my investogation is complete"

Further news when we get it.

graememk - 25/12/05 at 10:29 AM

must of been a bad lad as santa didnt bring my exhust. bar humbug

lenny - 25/12/05 at 11:46 AM

well happy with him this year

Guinness - 25/12/05 at 08:26 PM

You know it makes sense!

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All the best


Avoneer - 25/12/05 at 09:24 PM

And I'll be sending Jon his belated present in the next week or two: Rescued attachment dd2_lite-main-pic.jpg
Rescued attachment dd2_lite-main-pic.jpg