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Ben Graber - 10/1/06 at 08:07 AM

I'm trying to find some 7 related desktop wallpapers but so far have only managed to find the ones from the westfield and caterham sites. Anyone know of any sites or have any pics they can upload? My resoloution is 1280 x 1024.

DaveFJ - 10/1/06 at 08:47 AM

you can probably find some pretty good wallpapers by having a look through peoples photo archives on here.............

Fozzie - 10/1/06 at 09:45 AM

Hi Ben, You can put any picture to a 'wallpaper', but, If I remember rightly, you have to save the picture on your computer with the extention of a bitmap, that is *.bmp (the asterisk being the name of your picture).
HTH Fozzie

Hellfire - 10/1/06 at 09:50 AM

To add to what Fozzie says, you can also save to wallpaper as jpg and gif... you could always do better than look on our website for a few They are in 'STUFF', navigate down to wallpapers

ayoungman - 10/1/06 at 11:18 AM

Hellfire, would that be a 5amp or 13 amp ?.............................plug

Hellfire - 10/1/06 at 01:30 PM

Originally posted by ayoungman
Hellfire, would that be a 5amp or 13 amp ?.............................plug


Fozzie - 10/1/06 at 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire
Originally posted by ayoungman
Hellfire, would that be a 5amp or 13 amp ?.............................plug


Nice one!...........LOL

Ben Graber - 10/1/06 at 03:39 PM

Cheers Hellfire, using one off your site now!
Fozzie, I've got loads of pics on my computer i'd like to use as wallpaper, trouble is because my screen resloution is so high they all end up stretched and pixelated

[Edited on 10/1/06 by Ben Graber]

Fozzie - 10/1/06 at 03:52 PM

Glad you are sorted Ben!
My screen is the same resolution as yours and I have had no problems
My Display (control panel) asks me if I want to do a 'best fit' and it always works out ok. I am running XP Pro btw. I am sure that someone thats more into the techy side of computers will explain why, perhaps its the grahics card? I really don't know!
Anyway, the main thing is that you are now sorted... Brilliant!
ATB Fozzie