New 300bhp 2wd Rolling Road
Racing Developments Ltd
Sports Car Servicing
Track Day Preparation
Roll Cages
4-wheel laser alignment
Competition Parts
35+VAT Power run
50+VAT Rolling Road Tuning
Ring for other prices - Mark -01908 210 775
50 Tanners Drive, Blakelands, Milton Keynes, MK14 5BW
[Edited on 24/1/06 by RacingDev]
You can't post on a Lo-Cost forum and not put a price ;-)
Whatch out, Chris will be after you
If you need 500bhp capacity, 4wd or bike dyno the we have them at work - superchips in buckingham. 50 quid is the standard price for power runs (these
are usually before/after chipping runs)
if anyone wants to do this let me know and I'll see if I can get a bit of a deal, and maybe a quick tour and cup of tea if I'm not unusually