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Pushbike speedo fitting
Peteff - 4/4/03 at 08:01 PM

I bought a speedo for my pushbike today from the supermarket where they run offers occasionally. It reads up to 99mph or 99kph and runs ona 12v battery with a solar cell as well. The interesting bit is the clock is not connected to the wheel sensor but has a transmitter instead. At £6.99 it was a must. The make is Tronic with a wireless mounting system and it has trip,odo,max speed,journey time average speed and a clock. I was impressed. Sorry ,i have just been corrected, it's not a speedo it's a cycle computer. Could be useful.

yours, Pete.

Dave Ashurst - 4/4/03 at 08:34 PM

Do you know whether the unit has enough power/range to work through the steelwork between a Locost front (or back) wheel and the dashboard?


paulf - 4/4/03 at 09:13 PM

I saw these in Lidol this week and wondered the same myself, but was concerned that they would probably pick up to much interference from the engine etc but was tempted all the same. I might buy one and try it in my daily car by attaching the sender to a drive shaft.
I did buy a nice blue anodised drinking bottle for £2.49 and have used it for an oil catch tank.

Originally posted by Dave Ashurst
Do you know whether the unit has enough power/range to work through the steelwork between a Locost front (or back) wheel and the dashboard?


stephen_gusterson - 4/4/03 at 10:52 PM

it has been done before to fit a bike speedo to a locost.
I think TOL file section has summat on it.

or you could spend 350 quid on a full set of instuments imported from the USA like I did.....hmmm hard choice...



gjn200 - 5/4/03 at 06:05 AM

Dos'nt it need to be illuminated though to pass SVA??

fastenuff - 5/4/03 at 06:56 AM

try this LINK might be usefull, it is the file mentioned above i reckon

[Edited on 5/4/03 by fastenuff]

Peteff - 5/4/03 at 11:28 AM

Yes but it doesn't have to be inside it. We did one with a number plate light shining on it from in front and it passed.

yours, Pete.

stephen_gusterson - 5/4/03 at 11:10 PM

if you wanted to light it differently, it must surely be possible to take it out of its case and put it in some other surround with a light suitably placed......wouldnt have been the hardest engineering problem I have come acrost



RoadkillUK - 6/4/03 at 10:40 AM

How about an LED on the steering column surround pointing right at the display?


jonti - 7/4/03 at 07:47 PM

or a candle ?
well.!!! could work !!
if you drove slowly

I know I know !! if you can't say anything sensible...f** off

[Edited on 7/4/03 by jonti]

Peteff - 8/4/03 at 08:56 AM

Your input is valued as much as the next mans jonti. I think the old technology still has a place in todays methods so I am adapting my carbide lamp to power my lighting system.

yours, Sideshow Bob.

MK9R - 9/4/03 at 07:04 AM

These wireless cycle computers are renowned for being affected by all sorts of interference, mobile phones, pelican crossing sensors etc. Not sure what sort of things could affect it from the engine. At £6.99 its worth a try though!