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Can anyone confirm what this is?
Mark Allanson - 8/7/06 at 01:59 PM

I am fairly sure I know what I have found. It is hanging up in the eaves of an industrial unit fairly close to me. The images were taken on my phone and are, as you can see, pretty poor, but the important bits are fairly clear. Rescued attachment 02-06-06_1750.jpg
Rescued attachment 02-06-06_1750.jpg

Mark Allanson - 8/7/06 at 02:00 PM

The wheels look very Ford Popular! Rescued attachment 02-06-06_1751.jpg
Rescued attachment 02-06-06_1751.jpg

Mark Allanson - 8/7/06 at 02:01 PM

..and front suspension pickups Rescued attachment 02-06-06_1752.jpg
Rescued attachment 02-06-06_1752.jpg

britishtrident - 8/7/06 at 02:03 PM

Me thinks S2 or early S3 L Seven

Mark Allanson - 8/7/06 at 02:17 PM

what kind of offer should I make?

britishtrident - 8/7/06 at 02:25 PM

Good question

Humbug - 8/7/06 at 02:39 PM

Does it have a chassis number so you can get pre-73 tax exemption?

[Edited on 08.07.2006 by Humbug]

DIY Si - 8/7/06 at 02:46 PM

First question would be to find out if they know what it is. If not, try £250-300 for that silly blue thing hanging on the wall. If they do know what it is, depends what they want really.

Confused but excited. - 8/7/06 at 02:50 PM

If they don't know what it is, offer to take it away for them, to save paying a scrap man to collect it. After all it has been built 90 degrees out of true !
It could be a wall of death car.

[Edited on 8/7/06 by Confused but excited.]

peterriley2 - 8/7/06 at 03:09 PM

id say go with quite a low offer- around £50, if you offer too much theyll wonder why and look into it. if you offer less theyll (probably) just be very happy with the money they otherwise wouldnt be getting, and think no more about it.

Tangerine Scream - 8/7/06 at 03:24 PM

Lack of triangulation on the side means that it's a series 2 and 3 (1960-1970)
according to the wire drawings in Tony Weale's Lotus Seven book. It doesn't go into any more detail than that (other than it isn't a series 3 SS)

If you get a number off the chassis, there's a full list of chassis derivations in the same book.


Peteff - 8/7/06 at 05:07 PM

I'd offer to take it out the way for them, worth a try.

Macbeast - 8/7/06 at 10:13 PM

If you tell me where it is, I'll go and have a look for you

Mark Allanson - 9/7/06 at 11:17 AM

MikeRJ - 9/7/06 at 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Tangerine Scream
Image deleted by owner

No wonder they were known as flexi-flyers!

cita2 - 10/7/06 at 05:12 AM

The fact that they didn't toss it on the scrap heap yet or cut up the chassis means that they probably know what it is.
My conversation with the owner would go as follow:

Hello mate,what's that thing up there?
"that's a car"
A car? You must be joking !It has no seats,engine or steering wheel!!
"well it's a bare chassis of a sportscar"
A sportscar? You mean something like a Ferrari or Lamborghini? That bundle of tubes sure doesn't look like a sportscar to me and I've been in the automotive buisiness for some time now and never came accros something that ugly for a sportscar.
"oh well it belonged to the former owner of the place and he left it there"
My brother has a big Van so I can help you get rid of it if it's in your way.I dont know what he's usually charging but if I tell him it's for a friend of mine I'm sure a few beers will do.
"I can cut it up and bring it to the metal scrap man"
Yes I guess you can do that but I wouldn't go through all that hassle and besides,my brother knows the scrapman so there probably wont be any charge for bringing it in but it's your choice. Friday we go on hollyday so it's up to you mate!!
"when could your brother pick it up?"
Not today anymore I guess but tommorow morning before he's leaving for work we could be here.
"That's nice of you mate,Thank's!"

Syd Bridge - 10/7/06 at 08:21 AM

I'd go in head on and ask if they wanted to sell the unfinished 'Locost' chassis on the wall, that needs finishing with the extra diagonals.

If they're anything like the majority of Catervan/Lotus people, you'll be told very smartly and in very certain terms, just exactly what it is.


Mark Allanson - 10/7/06 at 09:18 PM

I was! The price is £4000, as you can imagine, they now exactly what it is

JoelP - 10/7/06 at 09:25 PM

correct me if im a heathen who doesnt appreciate a classic car, but why the hell would you pay that much for a bendy space frame containing about £100 of steel? Especially since if you actually built something out of it, you would probably not use genuine original louts parts? You could build a better chassis yourself...

MikeRJ - 11/7/06 at 07:27 AM

Originally posted by JoelP
You could build a better chassis yourself...

He already has!

Mark Allanson - 11/7/06 at 08:06 PM

I do prefer mine! Rescued attachment Blast&Etched.jpg
Rescued attachment Blast&Etched.jpg