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Avoneer's Locoblade SVA pass....
Hellfire - 7/8/07 at 09:10 PM

Being as he's too modest to post it himself... I would like to congratulate Pat on passing his SVA first time in his Scratch Built Loco-blade.

After 18 months of scavenging and toil he's been duly rewarded with an SVA 1st...

Well done that man!


RichardK - 7/8/07 at 09:11 PM

Thought he was the other night whilst geting pi55ed.

Did well though, so worth a second shout!


indykid - 7/8/07 at 09:16 PM

keep up at the back!

but having said it in person, i'll say it on here too.

congrats mate. just the dvla man to sort now!


Hellfire - 7/8/07 at 09:43 PM

Dont know how I missed that

Not so modest afterall!!!


Avoneer - 7/8/07 at 10:58 PM

Cheers guys.

Nice to know you all still remember me.

Lots of credit due to Indykid and Carl for all there effort and times they came round!


chrisg - 9/8/07 at 09:32 PM

Well done mate!

(and thanks for the vegetable-based beverage)

