There have been sooooo many finished cars for sale recently - are there people out there actualy buying them? after all we're nearly at the end
of a rather rubbish summer, nights are drawing in and all that (cheery soul aren't I )..... and I would have thought there's a fairly
limited market for them at the best of times as everyone thinks they could build a better one for £250. Or am I wrong?
if youve got a real good looking one and its a fair price it will sell
ok, probably got my head in the clouds, but where are all these cars for sale? i've seen 3 or 4 on here recently but thats not a lot really.
I just got rid of mine, see GTS thread
Mines still up for sale but i'm not going to give it away, i'm just getting used to it after 350 miles so if it doesn't sell it's im provements time!!
Believe it or not some people just like building.
The number of people who sell straight after getting a car on the road is amazing.
Fortunately there are many people who can't or don't want to build.
et voila.
That's the bit I don't get. Selling up after 350 miles?! That'd be after the first weekend surely?
Mne is still available too, mind you haven't tried that hard to sell it though so looks as if it will be be a transplanted R1, shame cos its a
good un albeit currently with a boat anchor.
I can agree with this thread.. Even thinking of Selling the Viento. I want to do another build.
However, I would not give it away. too much money and effort gone into it.
I have a Jago Geep to sort for my son. He went to Uni and its sat here. Need a windscreen (chip in driver area) and a pair of front discs. Other than
that its fair.
Am thinking of painting it NATO Green and putting a big White Star on the bonnet, it would tidy it up a lot.
At the moment I have 6 cars and a Caravan on the drive. Its all just too much effort to get the viento out cos its in the garage behind all the other
Mine is still for sale too
Originally posted by DIY Si
That's the bit I don't get. Selling up after 350 miles?! That'd be after the first weekend surely?
Totaly understand the 'wanting to build the next better one' thing but I don't quite understand how people expect to know how to build
the next one better if they just drive it for a couple of hundred miles.......... it'll almost certainly look better but drive better......I
ANYWAY that wasn't the point of the thread
After 3 and a bit years building, 6 months on the road and 1,700 miles I'm considering selling up. I'm not sure I can switch off my
hankering for another 205 GTI and a new mountain bike.
Desires and constraints change over time and it doesn't surprise me that people reach the end of a build that has often taken longer and cost
more than planned and decide (or need) to seel up and move on to something new.
Like everyone,
i like to tinker more than drive unless a track day is around,
On the road these cars are not the same you need to get on track to appreciate tham but then you look at the car and performance and want more so more
I sold my cars for the same reason always want bigger better faster?