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Screwfix Cheap Grinder
James - 9/10/03 at 01:31 PM

Believe it or not Screwfix are now doing a grinder for £6.99 inc!

You wouldn't have thought it possible to ship 'em here for that!

Anyway, no connection... it's probably complete crap anyway! Give me a Bosch one any day!


flyingkiwi - 9/10/03 at 03:48 PM

Not that I'm connected to screwfix , I've got one of them and it does the business, haven't had a problem with it, yet, and it cleaned up my engine, chassis welds, uprights, diff and a few other handy jobs. Still for £7 if it blow's up, buy another one

JoelP - 9/10/03 at 04:33 PM

mine was 15 quid from homebase, that seemed very cheap at the time. I guess they're quite simple devices!

James - 10/10/03 at 11:57 AM

Originally posted by flyingkiwi
Not that I'm connected to screwfix , I've got one of them and it does the business, haven't had a problem with it, yet, and it cleaned up my engine, chassis welds, uprights, diff and a few other handy jobs. Still for £7 if it blow's up, buy another one

Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about your 'no connection' with Screwfix!

A colleague bought one of these when they were £10. It did blow up! (well, stopped working on second day). Decided for £10 it wasn't worth the postage of sending it back. So he went and bought a nice Bosch one instead!


The thing I don't like with the cheap ones is that they seem very heavy.

Also, I believe that the output powers are lower with cheaper ones as they are less efficient. Therefore you need a higher wattage, heavier grinder to get the same output power.

I've used my £30/40 Bosch 600Watt everyday for nearly 2 years- it still appears to be going strong!



bob - 10/10/03 at 06:53 PM

I got my screwfix grinder for 8.99 nearly 3 years ago and its still going strong,they even gave me a pair of spare brushes for it too.

Peteff - 10/10/03 at 07:57 PM

If he got it from Screwfix the returns service is free. The brushes went in my grinder and I'd lost the spare ones and they gave me a return number and sent me a replacement before the old one had been sent off. Great service, no connection etc. can't fault them.

yours, Pete.

James - 13/10/03 at 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
If he got it from Screwfix the returns service is free.

Really? Excellent as he's agreed to give me the knackered one for spares to I'll make sure I get hold of it then- always wanted a second grinder... well, a free one anyway!


James - 13/10/03 at 12:29 PM

Originally posted by bob
I got my screwfix grinder for 8.99 nearly 3 years ago and its still going strong,they even gave me a pair of spare brushes for it too.

I suspect that buying an MK means you've had to use your grinder a little less than me! Don't forget my capacity for ballsing my chassis up and having to change it!


Mark H - 15/10/03 at 09:45 AM

Having just bought a nearly new one on Ebay for more than this, I think I'll buy 20 and sell em on! How much is the postage from Screwfix?

James - 15/10/03 at 10:50 AM

I think it's a fiver.


Peteff - 15/10/03 at 11:52 AM

If you buy enough of them you won't get charged for delivery. Ebay idea is o.k. I bought some cycling gear and a speedo from Aldi a while back on one of their offers and was amazed to see the same stuff on ebay the week after as a buy it now bargain at twice the price, and it all went. Shows how gullible the public at large are. They probably wouldn't be seen dead going into a cheap shop like Lidl or Aldi but will pay double for the same stuff elsewhere.

yours, Pete.

flyingkiwi - 15/10/03 at 06:37 PM

unfortunately the missus saw that post! She say's that screwfix would get suspicious of someone ordering more than 10 or so grinders. Still agree with the idea that ebay is a rip off. My father in Law makes a nice profit from buying radio's in car boot sales and flogging them on ebay. It's amazing how much someone will pay for something.


flyingkiwi - 15/10/03 at 06:39 PM

Just to add, you'll be better off buying 5 grinders, 5 pillar drill's and a few other bit's and bob's, then shoving that lot on ebay. You can get a pillar drill from screwfix for £20 odd and stick on ebay for £30 odd plus postage.

but you didn't hear that from me right (wink wink nudge nudge)

[Edited on 15/10/03 by flyingkiwi]

Ben_Copeland - 17/10/03 at 08:06 AM

Just say your fitting out a class room, and need enough grinders for all the kids

StuartA - 17/10/03 at 03:46 PM


I've used my £30/40 Bosch 600Watt everyday for nearly 2 years- it still appears to be going strong!



Bet your neighbours love you!

James - 17/10/03 at 04:46 PM

Originally posted by StuartA


Bet your neighbours love you!

Nah, yhey don't mind- I never do it after midnight and the garage door (metal) is usually closed!


JoelP - 17/10/03 at 07:01 PM

theres loads of grinders on ebay not selling, offered from 99p. and the pillar drills arent in short supply either. i suspect that too many people are already selling stuff like that.

what you need to sell is quality hard to find things like buckets of tap water, someone got loads for one recently. And an air guitar...

Mark H - 20/10/03 at 10:08 AM

Yes, heard about the air guitar! Someone a few months back sold "nothing", and got many bids. Postage was free, as posting "nothing" costs nothing, too.

Some people...wish I'd thought of it!!

I remember 2 years ago on ebay there was 7 pages of cars for sale, and you could pick up bargains. Now theres 50 odd pages at any time.

Mark H - 20/10/03 at 11:43 AM

By pure chance i came accross this being sold today on ebay. What a tosser!!

JoelP - 20/10/03 at 11:49 AM

and just think, that crank could be my next door neighbour! Theres something a bit poofish about surgical glove in my books...

Metal Hippy - 20/10/03 at 01:05 PM

I saw the location was Leeds and automatically thought it'd be you Mark...

andyps - 24/10/03 at 10:30 PM

I just got an angle grinder and a hammer/variable speed drill two box set from Macro for £14.99 + VAT. Special offer this fortnight if you have a Macro card for access.

Hope they last through my build. I already have one of each (expensive Bosch / Black and Decker) but the cheap ones should be useful back-ups or good for the realy dirty jobs.