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Some times its worth it (sorry Trev D)
jollygreengiant - 22/1/08 at 08:30 PM

So there I was today working away on my car in the garage, with the main garage door open. Its about 3:30pm and the local school kids (juniors) are walking home with their parent(s), one child walks past and stops, "Look mum a RACING car."

IF only it was finished.

StevieB - 22/1/08 at 08:33 PM

I had that at the weekend - two little kids who live in my street (brothers) were having a look

"is that a racing car?"

"red is the fastest colour"

Oh to go back to those simpler days!

Trev D - 22/1/08 at 08:56 PM

Trev D - 22/1/08 at 08:59 PM

What petrol tank.

Richard Quinn - 22/1/08 at 09:05 PM

funnily enough, I mentioned this sort of thing to my missus at the weekend. My car is now at rolling stage and I pushed it out of the garage so I could have a bit of a tidy up. The couple of young lads who live a couple of doors down were out but seemed more intent on dressing up and doing some type of formation dancing with the little girls from over the road! Sign of the times I suppose?

jollygreengiant - 22/1/08 at 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Trev D
What petrol tank.


See posting in luego section too.


Mr Whippy - 22/1/08 at 09:08 PM

Reminds me of a my Falcon when some kids decided they were going to play with it when I went shopping. Came back and the little sods were sitting in it! I was just about to give them a bo&&ocking when one asked me if it really did 200mph (top speed on the speedo), 'sure it does' I said cheered me up so I didn't throttle them

02GF74 - 23/1/08 at 08:15 AM

How fast does it go mister?

RazMan - 23/1/08 at 09:52 AM

I was filling up the other day and as I swapped the petrol nozzle between the twin fillers, a little nipper said "Look Daddy, that car has got TWO engines!"

Made me chuckle

TimC - 23/1/08 at 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Richard Quinn
The couple of young lads who live a couple of doors down were out but seemed more intent on dressing up and doing some type of formation dancing with the little girls from over the road! Sign of the times I suppose?

Sadly likely to be Soldja Boy - Ugh!

MikeRJ - 23/1/08 at 12:18 PM

Originally posted by TimC
Sadly likely to be Soldja Boy - Ugh!

Ugh indeed.

<grumpy old man>
Youth of today don't know what real music is.
</grumpy old man>