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Train from London to Stoneligh
Rudy - 10/2/08 at 05:59 PM

Hi friends,
I am planning to came to stoneligh at 4,5 may. I think to take the airplane at venice and go to london (quit ceap about 120 euro A/R), and after take a train to stonelight. So anybody knows how much is a train from london to stoneligh? Where can I book a train ticket? Is there any simplier way to go to stoneligh (from london) ?
Thankyou Rudy

[Edited on 10/2/08 by Rudy]

McLannahan - 10/2/08 at 06:09 PM

Coventry is the nearest train station to Stoneleigh. I imagine the train would cost about £25 UKP?

I'd check that for you but the train sites seem to be down tonight!

Benzine - 10/2/08 at 06:11 PM

I use
for train tickets in the UK.

rayward - 10/2/08 at 06:13 PM

do a google for rail journey planner,

it will cost £5.80, you can book the ticket over the net, then when you get to the station pop your debit/credit card into the machine and it prints you a ticket



rusty nuts - 10/2/08 at 06:27 PM

Can you get a flight to Coventry? Taxi to Stoneleigh wouldn't cost much.

Humbug - 10/2/08 at 07:22 PM

I just found that you can go on Easyjet from Venice to East Midlands, and according to Google Maps it is 43.7 miles to Stoneleigh. Probably better than flying to London... which would probably mean Stansted.

btw, according to the Trainline, it would take something upwards of 4 hours to get from Stansted to Coventry by train!

Peteff - 10/2/08 at 10:35 PM

If you fly to Birmingham you could get an all day bus ticket to Stoneleigh for under £5, or get someone's phone number and let them fetch you, it's only 20 miles.

Rudy - 11/2/08 at 07:24 AM

Thankyou for the reply . I will check Easyjet if there is a direct fly.
A friend of mine booked a fly to midlands . He will fly from venice to rome and from rome to midlands becouse there is not venice - midlands direct (he will spend 120 euro A/R). From venice to birmingham seems expensive (more than 300 euro).
I thinked at london becouse I promised my wife to take her to London one day, so we could visit london and than visit kitcarshow, so both will be happy.
Thankyou Rudy

[Edited on 11/2/08 by Rudy]

stevebubs - 11/2/08 at 03:32 PM

Yep. Coventry is the closest rail station (not far away at all)

Then it's just a case of making your way out into the sticks to find Stoneleigh....


Rudy - 1/4/08 at 07:32 PM

Yesterday I booked a fly to London for me and my wife. We would go to stoneligh on sunday 4 , I tryed to understand how to go from london to stoneligh in a ceap and simply way but I am a little confused , I tryed to look at some web site but there is too many options and my english is bad so may someone help me please? Where should I look ?
(we will arrive in London on saturday, we would like to left from london to stoneligh on sunday 4may early in the morning and return back to london on sunday evening, we will left from london to venice on 5 may)
Many thanks in advice!

Macbeast - 1/4/08 at 07:42 PM

Just thinking, Stoneleigh is a Bank Holiday weekend ( Public Holiday on Monday ) There is a great danger that the trains will not be good on Sunday.

You should really try hard to get some kind person to take you from London to the show. I will do it IF, IF I decide to go, but I am not sure yet.

Perhaps someone else from London could help ?

Schrodinger - 1/4/08 at 08:19 PM

As somebody has already said which London airport are you flying to Stanstead (probably) Gatwick, Heathrow, Luton or London City?

ChrisW - 1/4/08 at 11:34 PM

As above... really need to know which airport.

I'm about 10 miles North of Heathrow, and will probably be going. If you can stand riding in my XR3 (which will probably be my weapon of choice on the day) I'm happy to help out.


Rudy - 2/4/08 at 06:29 AM

airport is Gatwick, I did not book the hotel jet, I think hotel will be near the airport, but I can moove to any part of London I think. Did not know it was bank holiday so now I am worried about the train, so if someone could take us to the show we will be more than happy to pay the petrol. A friend told me to rent a car, but I would worried becouse I usually (like the rest of the world) drive on the wrong side