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Catering van build quality!!
MK9R - 27/10/03 at 02:36 PM

My mate has just bought at catering van with the MG power plant, which came in at £18k. I can understand why he has gone this root as he is quite mechanically challenged and realises that unless it bolts to gether very easily and quickly, it will just be a very expensive pile of bits in his garage. He phoned me last night to tell me of his "build" so far, it turns out that the diff wouldn't line up with the holes in the chassis and he had to widen them, and the result of this was that another part of the suspension wouldn't fit with out modification due to the slight mis alignment of the dif. It may only be a small thing and most people on this site wouldn't even bat an eyelid if they had to make minor adjustments to their car to get something to fit, but for £18k i would want the thing to go tohether like Lego! What surprised me even more is that according to other cat***** build diarys this is a common problem

I'm just very happy i have an MK where 99% of the bits i have bought from MK have fitted perfectly, and will have over £10k more in my bank account than my mate, a car that is a lot quicker and something that is induvidual

a fitting 500th post

[Edited on 27/10/03 by MK9R]

Simon - 27/10/03 at 03:17 PM

I think if they'd had 18 grand off me, and things didn't line up, they'd have it back, and keep having it back till it was right.

You don't pay that sort of money for a kit that isn't perfect!

That's the industry 10-20 years ago!

As for your comment about people not batting an eyelid to correct, I'd agree in principle, but reckon most people make things carefully enough first time, to get it right



ijohnston99 - 27/10/03 at 03:57 PM

You'd think

a) They'd having the jigs right by now

b) They'd realise that with so many quality small manufacturers that they need to watch their backs!


Ben_Copeland - 27/10/03 at 05:32 PM

Sounds like a typical catering van !

andyps - 27/10/03 at 10:51 PM

I've never built one, have no connection etc. but a few people I have talked to who have them have all said how well they went together and how they were delighted that everything "just fitted".

The real test probably comes when you ask what they will do they are told it is not right.

[Edited on 27/10/03 by andyps]

Hellfire - 4/11/03 at 02:43 AM

Reading this part of the forum has really surprised me. I expected the Catering Van to be as one of you has inferred "better quality". I'm building an MK Indy with two of my family and we are very surprised at how easy the MK goes together, Sure, there are problems, but nothing like the ones mentioned the the Catering Van and we don't expect to pay anything near the £18K The problems we have encountered are so minor it's a 'niggle'.

I'd hate to build anything else now... seems like we've been spoiled, doesn't it?

nick205 - 4/11/03 at 08:59 AM

Got to 2nd that Hellfire, my Indy is going together like a dream.

For £18k I'd expect it to put itself together (quickly) !
