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RING TRIP!!!!!! Booked!
Kriss - 13/5/08 at 10:06 AM

I have finally done it. After many a discusion over a few beers at the weekend, me and serveral mates have decided to ALL drive to the ring again in July. I was really worried about driving the R1 Indy there for various reasons, but int he end I have taken the plunge to just do it. I will be one of two BECS going. (Westfield Megabusa)

I really hope the car will be ready way in time for me to get use to it before the trip there. Its roughly 450 miles each way from home to the Ring.

Chris (zxrlocost) has done a great job on the car so far, and it really looks exactly how I wanted it to (see below) - (Understated and neutral) Just seem to have so many things go wrong for me and I am very impatient. With wheel bearings failing, SVA dates being canceled etc its not been easy. Only an Aeroscreen, exhuast can and AB performance Electric reverse to go on and its done. Oh and a pass by the SVA man.


Has anyone done a trip like this in the summer in Europe? I was sold on the idea of driving it all and not suing a trailor when I saw an Atom do the cannonball run on TV. Not sure what to do on the motorway, helmet? I have an iridium visor so not too sure about eyewear at night. I will start a seperate post for that!

Wish me luck.

coozer - 13/5/08 at 10:09 AM

Go for it lad, don't worry. I was a little worried before my track day but after thrashing the thing round the track for hours I'm more than comfortable now.

As long as you have some recovery it should be nothing to worry about

Hammerhead - 13/5/08 at 10:17 AM

nice one, I'm going in June.

Going for a shake down session at donington next week.

PAUL FISHER - 13/5/08 at 10:43 AM

The car is looking superb Kriss,the colour and wheel combination are just right,good luck with the ring trip

Kriss - 13/5/08 at 10:50 AM

cheers paul, can I ask, you got a link for your aeroscreen on the White Indy? I love it.

matt_claydon - 13/5/08 at 11:22 AM

You going the weekend around the 26th? If so, see you there

Kriss - 13/5/08 at 11:37 AM

11th - 14th.

Defo reconmend Norfolk Line ferrys if you are not already booked. Very very cheap and excelent boats too

PAUL FISHER - 13/5/08 at 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Kriss
cheers paul, can I ask, you got a link for your aeroscreen on the White Indy? I love it.

Its a fluke motorsport one,but to be honest they are very poor as a aeroscreen,look nice,great quality,but just too small,might be ok if your around 5ft tall,but I am 6'3" the air hits me straight in the face,and starts to pull your helmet off over 100mph,I had the westfield one on my last car,you could drive at 100mph with no helmet on,around the same price as the fluke one if I recall,they are both about with post and vat £250.

link to fluke if your still interested;

picture of the westfield one fitted to my old Indy

[Edited on 19/05/04 by PAUL FISHER] Rescued attachment westfield areo.jpg
Rescued attachment westfield areo.jpg

Kriss - 13/5/08 at 12:25 PM

Cheers Paul, can imagine what you mean about the air rush though. I am 6' 5".

I think Chris has got me the standard MK one but in a Carbon finish effect.

Are they much good at all? He has already bought it so I think its too late to go for a Westfield one.

fesycresy - 13/5/08 at 02:40 PM

I had a Fluke one and I'm 6'5" - no point having it other than looks.

Give Paul @ Carbon Mods a call - he'll sort you out with a carbon one for sensible money.

matt_claydon - 13/5/08 at 02:54 PM

Yep, was going to go with Norfolk Line. Never used them but the prices seem unbeatable

Pants On Fire - 13/5/08 at 03:23 PM

Originally posted by matt_claydon
You going the weekend around the 26th? If so, see you there

Our gang is over that weekend, DTM weekend as well, should be a hoot. Last years DTM weekend was great, quite quiet on the North Loop and great fun in the evenings.

We are going on the Eurotunnel in convoy from Oxfordshire & Berkshire.

Jubal - 13/5/08 at 04:40 PM

Good luck with that , when Chris had finished with my car it only managed a single lap at Oulton before giving up the ghost!

Dangle_kt - 13/5/08 at 04:56 PM

July 2008?


Your cutting it a bit tight for a good shake down prior to the trip, what if you find an issue once it's sva'd?

I wish you all the best mate, I hope I don't read a disapointed post in july

Can't knock your positive mental attitude though!

Kriss - 13/5/08 at 05:56 PM

Yup I know I am cutting it fine, but I really want to go. I trust that a professional recently SVA'd car will not allow too many issues to crop up.

I just need an SVA date but have not heard anything yet. If I dont have the car by July then I wont know what to think - probably sulk knowing I have lost half the summer without it.

Jubal - I would be happy with one lap of the ring to be honest lol. the track is so scary, I just want to take the BEC for the whole experience of tracking the ring and the fun driving around the towns, viewing points etc.

andybod - 13/5/08 at 06:09 PM

i'm off a bit later aug 13-20th with he mini forum on there brandshatch 2 'ring retro allthough i'm not going in a mini can't wait

Jubal - 13/5/08 at 08:16 PM

Jubal - I would be happy with one lap of the ring to be honest lol. the track is so scary, I just want to take the BEC for the whole experience of tracking the ring and the fun driving around the towns, viewing points etc.

Check all the scotch blocks properly before you set off. One of the ones he fitted to mine wasn't even closed...

I can laugh about it now. On the subject of the ring, unless you fancy taking forever it's a pretty boring m'way drive until you get nearby. It'll be an experience for sure but when I go back I'll be trailering the Indy. Cruising around locally will be a laugh, there's some great roads there. I stayed in Adenau last year and the road up from there was awesome.

Kriss - 13/5/08 at 10:09 PM

After reading a variety of post regarding workmanship obv I am a tad nervous, only natural. from what I have seen I am happy though. will be sure to check EVERYTHING I can think of first.

I know the forst 300+ miles suck on the m'ways there, but I am sure it will all be worth it. I would trailer the Indy but the cost and hassel of getting a suitable tow car for a one off trip cant be justified.

Lets just hope the car makes it I guess. Booked in for a seperate event on 1st June, now thats pushing it!