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GTech RR Performance Gauge
madmandegge - 14/5/08 at 12:26 PM

What the bloody hell is this, and how does it do what it does?! I was thinking GPS but that doesn't make sense for horsepower and RPM...

Very confused <---

JAG - 14/5/08 at 12:34 PM

Uses an accelerometer plus some basic facts about your car (mass etc...) to calculate power, then torque.

Simple maths for those that know.

madmandegge - 14/5/08 at 12:37 PM

Nowhere near as cool as I was hoping then! Damn glorified calculators

Guinness - 14/5/08 at 01:26 PM

Have you considered the Veypor VR2?

It has a similar range of functions.


madmandegge - 14/5/08 at 01:51 PM

I hadn't really thought about it yet, haven't even been out in my indy yet (still tidying bits up), and saw what I posted for sale on another forum.

The VR2 certainly looks nicer