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New Helmet for a track day!
mackei23b - 11/6/08 at 08:50 PM

How about turning up with one of these bad boys, LOL!

P.S. availabe at: dZViewItem

[Edited on 11/6/08 by mackei23b] Rescued attachment Helmet.jpg
Rescued attachment Helmet.jpg

mookaloid - 11/6/08 at 08:52 PM


I doubt it complies with the usual british standards though

RK - 11/6/08 at 09:24 PM

Does it come with it's very own "How to infringe someone's human rights" manual?

beppesignori - 11/6/08 at 09:34 PM

Found this on ebay..Stigs helmet in a slightly different paintscheme..


A must for any Iron Maiden fan...

[Edited on 11/6/08 by beppesignori]

Guinness - 11/6/08 at 09:51 PM

I bought one of those Chinese Mig Helmets a few years ago

I wouldn't trust it to keep rain off your head let alone road!

Mind you it does freak some people out when you go to pay at the petrol station


iscmatt - 11/6/08 at 10:03 PM


They are my helmets!

I bought two of these when i went to China - they have been used a lot and look pretty damn cool!!! Get plenty more looks with these on! They also accommodate an intercom which is handy!

Can't believe you can now get them on ebay!!!

Kriss - 11/6/08 at 10:25 PM

i want a pair, just for the shits and giggles!

any idea about sizes, the ad says, "your kid will be the best looking one out there"

kid and in child? as in chil sizes?

they seem very very very cheap

ReMan - 12/6/08 at 06:51 AM

Originally posted by Kriss

they seem very very very cheap

Look at the strap and the way it's fixed , very very very cheap

Buy a gallon of petrol instead

eznfrank - 12/6/08 at 08:15 AM

I've seen a very similar design certified helmet in a proper biker shop for about £100, carbon (look probably) visor surround, just whack a red star on one of them and it'd look the same. Can't remember the name now though??

02GF74 - 12/6/08 at 09:01 AM

jeeeeezz that strap looks well shi%e.

and at £ 5 - what a rip-off

you cna get three for £ 8!

... and even that is expensive,
three for £ 7

top quality plotection gwallanteed.

arrggghhh there is not end to this

three for £ 5.66

[Edited on 12/6/08 by 02GF74]

Richard Quinn - 12/6/08 at 09:16 AM

I suppose that if you were to eject at 30,000ft and your 'chute failed, your helmet quality/choice would be purely academic!!

Kriss - 12/6/08 at 10:04 AM

I think they look comedy and a great prop to have out on a random beer fest witht he boys each month.

Are the child sizes though?

JoelP - 14/6/08 at 01:57 PM

at least they are so cheap you can get one without really affecting our trade deficit!