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SVA Test
Jim - 19/7/02 at 07:28 PM

I have just finished building an MK Indy. I was not brave enough to weld my own chasis. Well I went down to Derby for the SAV test and the examiner happily told me that there had been a change in the rules and that using foam on the front suspension etc, top cover any external projections is now classed as a Temporary Obstruction unable to test. It needs to have a permanent fixture that a manufacture would hve put there. IT also failed on emissions from my 98 Fireblade engine.

Jon Ison - 19/7/02 at 08:19 PM

the foam bit sounds like bad news.....guess your gonna go the "hire a cat" route for the other bit ?

bob - 19/7/02 at 09:13 PM

The main area where foam pipe lagging is used,ie steering rack to track rod end.
Since the gator on the steering rack is a pemanent fixture,i'd hazard a guess and put a second gator over the offending area

Jim - 19/7/02 at 09:47 PM

I think I will have to hire a CAT, but apparently if you change the needles and lean it really off then it should pass anyway as long as it is not reved very high.

The SVA man made exactly the same suggestion of putting a second gaiter over the track rod end. He said it would look nice and be classed as a permanent fixture

bob - 19/7/02 at 09:58 PM

Nice one jim,so foam becomes rubber thats not so bad.
I'm building the indy too,only part i was worried about was the seat belt mounts,i'm only presuming yours are the same threaded tube welded onto bottom rails and behind seat.
I thought a plate had to be welded in to strengthen?

Jim - 19/7/02 at 10:07 PM

The tester did not mention a plate being needed. He just asked us if the bolts passed all the way through the threaded tube. We told him yes as the bottom ones do and we were prepared to unscrew the panel but he never asked us to.

Does any one know where to get SVA complaint covers for the bonnet catches, the faom I had was no good there either.

philgregson - 19/7/02 at 10:08 PM

Now this concerns me!

Some people seem to go over the top with the front suspension covering the entire thing in foam which I didn't fully understand and made me think that I probably didn't fully understand SVA either.
On the otherhand there are thousands of 7esque type vehicles out there that seem to manage quite well without being covered in foam.
So can some one clarify this for me?
My thoughts are that the edges of the suspension brackets, the transit track rod end where it joins the wishbone, the stering joint and the various nut and bolt heads were the problem.
Am I correct so far?

johnston - 19/7/02 at 10:14 PM

if ur sva centres are like our mot centres i.e council run not your local garage. thens its the luck of the draw ive seen cars go through mot wit holes in the sills bald tyres bad copper brake pipes and suspension bushes hanging out but yet i no a guy that got failed cos the passenger door wass too stiff.

Jim - 19/7/02 at 10:19 PM

The main fails were as Phil said. The tester said that if he can feel a bump that is not rounded then it fails. He said that only the offending bit needs to be covered, so only the nuts, brackets etc need to be covered

philgregson - 19/7/02 at 10:30 PM

I've got a bit confused in the memory dept here, but I seem to remember that the allowable radius is 2.5mm.

If this is the case then could the brackets be dealt with by shaping the outer edge to a quadrant (therefore a rad of 3.0mm) assuming that the sphere couln't contact the inside edge - or am I missing something?

philgregson - 22/7/02 at 10:01 AM

Another SVA question I'm afraid.

I was thinking of going down the chromed BBQ grill route for my fromt grill and many others apear to have done the same - However with the small radius of the wires I can't see this passing SVA either - Any comments?

David Jenkins - 22/7/02 at 10:10 AM

There's a wire size v. hole size equation in the SVA manual (it's at home, before you ask).


"If the holes are less than 'x' mm the wire can be any size, if larger than 'x' but smaller than 'y', the wire must be 'z' diam.," and so on.


philgregson - 22/7/02 at 01:06 PM

I think I'll stop asking stupid questions and go and buy a manual rather than keep trying and piece it together from all the guides to SVA and other bits of information floating around.

Jasper - 22/7/02 at 01:14 PM

Don't buy it, I can send u a link, mail me

RoadkillUK - 22/7/02 at 06:17 PM

He can, mail him

ChrisW - 22/7/02 at 06:22 PM

Forward it my way aswell please Jasper!


merlin - 22/7/02 at 07:47 PM

me too!!!

Simon - 22/7/02 at 11:13 PM

Hi Chaps,

Just been reading latest issue of kit-car (the one with quite possibly the ugliest car ever designed (IMHO))on its cover.

As far as nuts/bolts go, Gerry Hawkridge, in his tech tips column mentions a company called Tifosi (Tel 01769 581454, email who do a a pack of bolt head and thread covers for £6. Apparently they've been given the thumbs up, by the SVA people.

Hope this is of use.



Jim - 23/7/02 at 10:15 PM

I bought the Nut covers pack from Tifosi. They were very helpful. The pack is a general assortment. there are more small ones than larger ones. The biggest fit nicely on the front suspension nut heads and as simon says they are OK for SVA

Alan B - 23/7/02 at 10:24 PM

Hi Chaps,

Just been reading latest issue of kit-car (the one with quite possibly the ugliest car ever designed (IMHO))on its cover.


Which car is that? Just curious.

Alan B

Simon - 24/7/02 at 09:28 AM


Onyx Fastcat.

I do hope you're not trying to drop me in a hole on this. I did say IMHO.

Still think it's ugly though:-)



Alan B - 24/7/02 at 12:51 PM


Onyx Fastcat.

I do hope you're not trying to drop me in a hole on this. I did say IMHO.

Still think it's ugly though:-)



Don't worry Simon I won't be sending the boys round You are entitled to your opinion anyway.

The reasons I ask are, a) Kit-Car is hard to find in the US, and b) other people's opinion of body styling interests me a lot, because I'm doing my own body.

David Jenkins - 24/7/02 at 01:44 PM

...because I'm doing my own body.


I must not give in to cheap laughs...


Alan B - 24/7/02 at 01:52 PM


I must not give in to cheap laughs...

Yeah, it's no fun having Anorexia Reverso

jcduroc - 24/7/02 at 01:55 PM

Hi Jasper

E-mail it to me too, pls.
Thank you

Simon - 24/7/02 at 03:09 PM


Have a look at

and scroll down a bit



Alan B - 24/7/02 at 03:32 PM


Thanks for the link.

it performs as good as it looks

Oh dear

I hate to be disparaging (sp) of someone's hard work, but wow it is SO ugly. IMO of course.

interestedparty - 24/7/02 at 05:03 PM

A quote from the press release on the above link "it performs as good as it looks"
If that is the case, then perfomance wise a 1899 DeDion Bouton would **** all over it.


Sparky - 24/7/02 at 09:54 PM

Don't buy it, I can send u a link, mail me

Me too please Jasper!

Metal Hippy™ - 24/7/02 at 10:08 PM

I'm breaking a self imposed silence to add my comments to the remarks about that Cat thing.

"F**king hell, that's one ugly mutha"

I feel that's as near the mark as I can get...



stephen_gusterson - 25/7/02 at 07:23 PM

it looks like one of those cartoon drawings of various road cars you can buy from stalls at race meetings!



ps - if drag = frontal area as a factor, that surely must be designed to go backwards!

philgregson - 28/7/02 at 04:44 PM

I could have sworn that that was the back untill I looked closely!

marcjagman - 1/8/02 at 01:14 PM

JASPER, can u send me a copy aswell please.

jimmy - 1/8/02 at 05:13 PM

Hate to say this jasper but could I have one too(sva that is ) thanks.

SteveF - 5/8/02 at 11:51 AM

Jasper could you mail a copy of the SVA manual to me as well please - I assume it is more up to date than the regulations which are posted here:

Jasper - 5/8/02 at 12:54 PM

If you want the link to the manual then email me, I can be arsed to look up all your addresses....