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dyno rollers
omega0684 - 27/11/08 at 05:30 PM

can you buy a set of dyno rollers anywhere or something similar so that you can just run your car on the spot, sort of thing. even better is it possible to make your own?

philw - 27/11/08 at 05:36 PM

This sort of thing

omega0684 - 27/11/08 at 05:39 PM

that is exactly what im looking fro but not as expensive, i have restraint straps, all im after is the roller ramps!

grahamgg - 27/11/08 at 05:41 PM

heres a link to machine mart rollers


Mal - 27/11/08 at 06:18 PM

What do the rollers do that is useful?

They won't put any meaningful load onto the wheels, so why not lift both driven wheels off the ground, in a secure manner, and run the engine?
It will save you a lot of money.

mr henderson - 27/11/08 at 06:54 PM

Originally posted by Mal
What do the rollers do that is useful?

They won't put any meaningful load onto the wheels, so why not lift both driven wheels off the ground, in a secure manner, and run the engine?
It will save you a lot of money.

Tricky to do with IRS, easier with a live axle.

dhutch - 27/11/08 at 08:04 PM

Originally posted by Mal
What do the rollers do that is useful?

They won't put any meaningful load onto the wheels, so why not lift both driven wheels off the ground, in a secure manner, and run the engine?
It will save you a lot of money.

Thats what i thought.
- Dont it with a house mates landy. Four axle stands, job done.


johnston - 27/11/08 at 08:27 PM

they actually do put heat into the tyres, think its because of the flexing it causes.

very handy for warming the brakes and g/box and diff

But if you don't have the stopper at the side there a pain to keep the car on. We used to have a guy at each corner to stop the car falling off

omega0684 - 27/11/08 at 10:35 PM

im running a de-dion rear end, would that be ok to run on axles, what sort of pre-causions should i take? im just thinking wouldn't it be a bit risky doing it in the garage?

Simon - 27/11/08 at 11:06 PM

Sticking the rear of my car (IRS) on stands and running it in gear was how I checked my rear brakes were working

Just make sure your wheels are balanced and vehicle is secure and not facing anything hard (like wall or other vehicle).



omega0684 - 1/12/08 at 01:46 AM

was advised this evening to jack it up and do it without the wheels on, opinions please?