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Import Duty
mr_pr - 29/11/08 at 07:15 PM

After my recent duty charge. Is there (hypothetically of course) anyway to avoid this tax?

Someone suggested a note saying please repair and return. If the item was new I don't think this would work.

Any other hypothetical ways? Declare the parcel value as below £18?

TOO BADD - 29/11/08 at 07:26 PM

Label as used parts. Guaranteed to work !

Howlor - 29/11/08 at 07:26 PM

Mark as FOC Samples some times works.

Dangle_kt - 29/11/08 at 07:30 PM

they are up on most of the tricks these days.

i just pay it as you will likley get caught, and suppliers wont risk it like they used to

coozer - 29/11/08 at 07:50 PM

Get the vendor to tick the GIFT box and its import + vat free.

mr henderson - 29/11/08 at 08:14 PM

Customs men hate people trying to fool them, anyone would. It all depends on whether they've got the time or inclination to check.

Do you feel lucky?


Theshed - 29/11/08 at 08:34 PM

Isn't it great telling lies and robbing the taxman knowing that you are ducking out of your fair share or schools hospitals etc really gives me a buzz...

mr_pr - 29/11/08 at 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Theshed
Isn't it great telling lies and robbing the taxman knowing that you are ducking out of your fair share or schools hospitals etc really gives me a buzz...

Yes fair one, but when my employer gets £35.6Bn of the yearly Gov spending and "Disabled/Too lazy to work" get £110Bn then I feel pretty robbed most of my life.

UncleFista - 29/11/08 at 09:29 PM

Items replaced under warranty (and clearly labelled as such) have already had the duty paid, I'm pretty sure they don't charge again...

Humbug - 29/11/08 at 10:49 PM

Does "gift" work? I thought it was not what you paid for it (or zero) but the market value, i.e. the same as if you get "given" work benefits you have to pay tax on them.

JoelP - 29/11/08 at 10:49 PM

Originally posted by Theshed
Isn't it great telling lies and robbing the taxman knowing that you are ducking out of your fair share or schools hospitals etc really gives me a buzz...

yeah, i feel terrible everytime i miss chipping in for ministerial expenses, or sending artists to the north pole to make a snow man (77k), failed IT projects and a few consulatants to boot. Nice...

If i have a bonfire with money, do you fancy chipping in?

Taz Surfleet - 30/11/08 at 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Theshed
Isn't it great telling lies and robbing the taxman knowing that you are ducking out of your fair share or schools hospitals etc really gives me a buzz...

Dont mind paying import duty but VAT ?? If someone could enlighten me on what Value has actually been added to the goods Id be most grateful.