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A very Happy New Year
AndyW - 1/1/09 at 08:22 AM

Happy new year to every one. Although I am still in the planning stages for a locost and not many people on here know me I would like to announce the arrival of my son, Oliver. He was born yesterday at 5.31pm at a small 5lb 9oz!! Now I have two kids, a daughter of 2 and a son there is no excuse for me to get additional tools for the little one and start building.....

Anyway thats my news so once again


[Edited on 1/1/09 by AndyW]

Richard Quinn - 1/1/09 at 08:40 AM

Congratulations and happy new year to you too!

bigrich - 1/1/09 at 08:48 AM

Congratulations to Yourself and your good lady

l0c0st - 1/1/09 at 08:52 AM

Congratulations and a happy new year to you too.

My wife is due to have our first boy on the 7th Feb. My daughters are three now and I've forgotten what to do with babies, I'm sure it'll all come flooding back!


fideel109 - 1/1/09 at 09:00 AM

To all the "Locostbuilders and family", our best wishes for a warm, nice, healthy, troublefree and most of all save 2009.


david4 - 1/1/09 at 11:20 AM

congratulations and happy new year to you too and happy new year to all on the forum