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Used engine oil as fuel
speedyxjs - 1/1/09 at 06:40 PM

What i would like to do is use used engine oil as diesel fuel in a generator.
I know this is possible but cant find any useful info on the subject.
Has anyone done it or now where i can get some good info?

Wadders - 1/1/09 at 06:54 PM

have a search under DIY bio fuel/veg oil etc.
plenty of info on filtering, centrifuges and the like.


Originally posted by speedyxjs
What i would like to do is use used engine oil as diesel fuel in a generator.
I know this is possible but cant find any useful info on the subject.
Has anyone done it or now where i can get some good info?

wrigglypig - 1/1/09 at 08:41 PM

Dont know about using old engine oil but speak to Liz or Roly at they sell the kit for making your own bio diesel from vegetable oil kits are about £300.00

Kev Brookes