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Anyone know Rayleigh salvage (Essex)
DarrenW - 2/2/09 at 09:02 PM

As title. The have an ebay shop. Registered Dec08 and have 100 feedback already at 100%. They have a body panel i need for the tintop. Just hoping they are reputable.
Thought id check in case they are dodgy.

Just a shame there is postage to add as they are so far away.

watsonpj - 2/2/09 at 10:56 PM

I live in rayleigh and I've not heard of them, is there any other info on their shop?

stewartlittle - 2/2/09 at 11:06 PM

i live in the next town , also never heard of them

Steve P - 4/2/09 at 06:12 PM

Not heard of them but as they only been about a few month's that could be why.

DarrenW - 4/2/09 at 07:50 PM

Strange that. Thanks for replies though.

This is what im after ?hash=item180325616083&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1683%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318

Is anybody close?

Steve P - 4/2/09 at 09:02 PM

If you search a map im benfleet, fairly close to rayleigh, altho there are closer on here.