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Public Apology
Jon Ison - 6/2/09 at 08:02 PM

Don't know what Ive said or done but thought I best apologise just in case.

Get your apologies in now.

David Jenkins - 6/2/09 at 08:03 PM

Well, I'm really sorry.


MikeR - 6/2/09 at 08:05 PM

I now appreciate what I've said may have caused some offence. This really wasn't my intention.


Shamrock GS - 6/2/09 at 08:06 PM

No need to apologise - I didn't take offence in the first place.

On another matter you may have heard Jeremy Clarkson apologising for what he said about out Prime Minister - not sure why as what he said was factually correct!

My apologies in case any of these words, or anything I have thought over the past few days, or will possibly think in future causes offence.

Gary (sorry)

paul the 6th - 6/2/09 at 08:10 PM

i don't know quite what's going on but I demand a proper appology and for the first 3 posters in this thread to resign or be sacked.

I also want the law changing to prevent whatever it is that has happened, from happening again.

mistergrumpy - 6/2/09 at 08:12 PM

B*****ks to you all I don't f*****g believe. You're a complete set of m***** *******, arse ******** w******.
I'm taking my ball and going!!

bimbleuk - 6/2/09 at 08:13 PM

I apologise if my apology offends you.

Paul TigerB6 - 6/2/09 at 08:13 PM

I think we should write a comunal letter of complaint to the BBC demanding that Clarkson appologises for appologising to that one eyed Scottish idiot............ sorry.... i mean our wonderful Prime Minister, Mr Gordon Brown. I for one at least, demand he takes the appology back!!

Appologies for the rant about the appology.

[Edited on 6/2/09 by Paul TigerB6]

David Jenkins - 6/2/09 at 08:15 PM

Originally posted by mistergrumpy
B*****ks to you all I don't f*****g believe. You're a complete set of m***** *******, arse ******** w******.
I'm taking my ball and going!!

You are Christian Bale and I claim my £5!

(or are you Gordon Ramsey?)

thunderace - 6/2/09 at 08:15 PM

its ok say anything you like as long as you say sorry its ok ,
just dont have the balls to stand by what you say fredom of speach ect as you will be jailed fast .

David Jenkins - 6/2/09 at 08:16 PM

Originally posted by paul the 6th
i don't know quite what's going on but I demand a proper appology and for the first 3 posters in this thread to resign or be sacked.

It was not me, I didn't do it! The £5,000,000 that appeared in my bank account was due to a clerical error! Anyway, she swore to me that she was over 16!

What am I supposed to be apologising for?

[Edited on 6/2/09 by David Jenkins]

clairetoo - 6/2/09 at 08:18 PM

I never apologize

I'm sorry , but thats all I have to say .

mistergrumpy - 6/2/09 at 08:19 PM

Ahh, sorry. (Now I've got a reason to apologise, I don't know what the hell the rest of you are on about)

dave1888 - 6/2/09 at 08:23 PM


kipper - 6/2/09 at 08:31 PM

I am sorry ,honest, but I was'nt there when I did it.
humbly yours Kipper.

Peteff - 6/2/09 at 08:31 PM

When they said you weren't fit to sleep with pigs I said you were.


DorsetStrider - 6/2/09 at 08:49 PM

In fairness I can understand why the Scots and the blind are taking offense at Clarcksons comment (even thou it was aimed singularly at The Idiot).

I mean would you want to be in any way associated with Mr Brown?

P.S. I humbly appologise for any offense / insult / injury or (in the case of the ladies) thought, I've caused/made/had or will cause/make/have in the future.

MikeR - 6/2/09 at 08:56 PM

Just wondering if it would be funny for someone to set up a protest thingy on the downing street web site.

Along the lines of "We the undersigned demand the government stop the current BBC policy of apologising for everything that happens, secondly we demand that government publicly request Jeremy Clarkson to rescinds his apology regarding the prime minister."

I'd love the see the reply to that one

scootz - 6/2/09 at 09:06 PM

Originally posted by clairetoo
I never apologize

I'm sorry , but thats all I have to say .

I saw what you did there!

Simon - 6/2/09 at 09:06 PM

I'm not sorry.

Clarkson only apologised for mocking GB's appearance, he didn't apologise for the bit about him being an idiot and a liar



jollygreengiant - 6/2/09 at 09:12 PM

I am so sorry (in a monty python-esque way) for being soooooooooo perfect (not).

P.S. can I have the paycheck that used to go with the apology?

jlparsons - 6/2/09 at 10:39 PM

I'm glad I killed her!!!

Benzine - 6/2/09 at 10:56 PM

"Many applogies for the inconwenience"

Father Jack - I'm sooooo, soooo sorry!

mediabloke - 7/2/09 at 12:13 AM

I'd like to apologise for calling myself a 2-eyed english idiot.

I'm considering sacking myself and thrashing myself mercilessly. There - I think I've just saved my employer & family a fortune in law-suits.

The world's gone mad...

austin man - 7/2/09 at 12:15 AM

what a worldf we live in someone states the obvious and the worlds in turmoil. For fxxxs sake the mayor of Hiroshima never received the faintes apology ask me waht Id rather want ??? to be called a glass eyed scotsman or bombe to firk. OOOOh now let me think.

clairetoo - 7/2/09 at 08:26 AM

Just a thought..............has the one-eyed scots idiot complained or demanded an apology ?
If not - then no need to apologize , surely