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Freedom of Information Act - GATSO Database
sucksqueezebangblow - 27/2/09 at 09:35 AM

Thought you might be interested to know that following the UK Government's freedom of information act implementation you can now get access to ALL speed camera offences registered in the last 12 months.
Did you know that every time your car goes past a speed camera, even 1mph over the set limit, it is registered and put on a database? You only get a ticket if you are way over the limit or, (this is the bit that I didn't know) if you receive over 10 near misses, you will be classed as a serial offender and get a ticket the next time you go just over the limit.

This is why you hear of people being done for 34mph in a 30mph limit area, whilst others doing 39 do not. You can check what has been registered against your vehicle at the following web address:

Just enter your car registration. If there is any data on your vehicle you can click on the camera window to see a copy of the photograph.

Hope it's useful.

owelly - 27/2/09 at 09:38 AM

I had no idea that the pictures were so clear. I'm looking forward to the NIP anytime soon. Cheers for the heads-up.

wrigglypig - 27/2/09 at 09:41 AM

Must get my hair cut before they take the next one

02GF74 - 27/2/09 at 09:42 AM

bloody hell, I am in deep doo doo!!

Mr Whippy - 27/2/09 at 09:48 AM

my sisters pinched in my car!!!

philw - 27/2/09 at 09:49 AM

I don't understand that, i've never been to Cleveland and i have been caught at 81mph in a 70.
Is it possible that my car has been cloned

cd.thomson - 27/2/09 at 09:50 AM

awww, i thought that was real!

jabbahutt - 27/2/09 at 09:50 AM

grrrr, damn you it's far too early for such mischief. I just went into a flat spin that my plate had been cloned

Top marks I fell for it hook line and sinker

hellbent345 - 27/2/09 at 09:53 AM

i was quite looking forward to seeing if i had anything coming, was any of the original explaination true? ie you will get a ticket if you are a serial offender at only a little above the speed limit?

dogwood - 27/2/09 at 09:54 AM

Oh bugger......

Looks like I may loose my licence,
and before the car was on the road as well

[Edited on 27/2/09 by dogwood]

jabs - 27/2/09 at 09:59 AM

Entered the misses's cars number and must admit she looked damn fine in that picture

coozer - 27/2/09 at 10:01 AM

Funny how my vintage trials bike that's been in bits for 10 years was caught just recently (along with my kit at the same time) at 73mph in Cornwall!

Didn't think the trials iron was that fast pig, er officer.

GeoffT - 27/2/09 at 10:01 AM

Good bit of fun, but I'd be wary of putting anybodies email address into their forwarding link - it could conceivably be used to harvest email addresses.......

handyandy - 27/2/09 at 10:02 AM

i didn,t realise my vehicle COULD go that fast
37 in a 30 zone.
i think i look cute in the photo evidence, thinks my mum would like that photo


liam.mccaffrey - 27/2/09 at 10:08 AM

it said I was in Cornwall on the 12, i think its hoax. It was the 13th i was down there

sucksqueezebangblow - 27/2/09 at 10:22 AM

Originally posted by hellbent345
i was quite looking forward to seeing if i had anything coming, was any of the original explaination true? ie you will get a ticket if you are a serial offender at only a little above the speed limit?

It was sent to me by a former police officer but I think the 10 strikes thing is probably a load of B*ll*cks.

Paul TigerB6 - 27/2/09 at 10:25 AM

Cool - i was on the A30 in Cornwall on 21st Feb - last Saturday!!

I hope i took my tent and Richard Quinn didnt mind my long lost twin brother working on his car!!

kendo - 27/2/09 at 11:40 AM

Just checked my reg and it seems I was caught speeding in Cambridge on the 21st Feb . When in reality I was in gloucester. It seems I have perfected time travel and teleportation. I didn't know I was that clever.
We'll just have to see what happens then

kendo - 27/2/09 at 11:41 AM

Doh! Evidently I'm not that clever. Bloody good likeness though........

yellow melos - 27/2/09 at 11:51 AM

I cannot belive i got caught out by that !!!

should read down the thread before clicking the linky's !!!!

tendoshingan - 27/2/09 at 02:01 PM

Very funny, thought it was real myself for a second, but a very similar mail was sent to somebody in work. He thought it was real too and forwarded it to everyone on an all mail post!
He got a bockolling for it