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speed limit
A1 - 12/3/09 at 03:48 PM

i know its been discussed on here already, but is that the end of it? is there any petition for it?
Id sign one no bother!

Hellfire - 12/3/09 at 03:49 PM


Give us a clue what the h*ck you're talking about...


BenB - 12/3/09 at 03:53 PM

I think he's talking about the plans to reduce the speed limit on country roads down to 50mph nationally....

A1 - 12/3/09 at 03:56 PM

aye, sorry...yea the plans to reduce the speed limit to 50

speedyxjs - 12/3/09 at 04:05 PM

Yeah theres a petition...

speedyxjs - 12/3/09 at 04:06 PM it is

BenB - 12/3/09 at 04:10 PM

.... not that it'll do any good

02GF74 - 12/3/09 at 04:18 PM

yes, I can just see it now, uncle Gordy and his whitehall manadarins sitting in front of their 'puter LCD screens counting the signatories so that once they exceed 5000, they will pop down to the House of Commons instead of being driven home in their big jags and pass the petition as law.

How likely is that?



How many of these petitions do you think even get considered?



like I said before, where do you think the money to pay for bailing out the banks is going to come from?

vindicator - 12/3/09 at 04:32 PM

but will the bill be past (if it does get past at any stage....) in Scotland....but how many police will be looking at country roads in Scotland compared to England or Wales......

speedyxjs - 12/3/09 at 04:38 PM

Originally posted by BenB
.... not that it'll do any good

It worked with the 'chraging motorists per mile' petition, but i agree it probably wont do much with this one

repper - 12/3/09 at 04:43 PM

ive filled it in and sent all in my email adderss book

02GF74 - 12/3/09 at 04:44 PM

Originally posted by speedyxjs
Originally posted by BenB
.... not that it'll do any good

It worked with the 'chraging motorists per mile' petition, but i agree it probably wont do much with this one

any more info., about that one?

was it a serious proposal?

anytone find info., about the number of posted petitions and the number that were actoed on, say for 2008?

Canada EH! - 12/3/09 at 04:45 PM

What's the speed now? In Ontario non-posted speed limit has been 50 MPH or now 80 KPH for as long as I can remember, back to the 50's, My BSA Gold Star had a white line at 30 MPH, I was told that was speed for towns and villages, still the normal speed here in town unless otherwise posted (80 kmh).

tomprescott - 12/3/09 at 05:06 PM

It was 60 on non-marked main roads but 30 through towns.

tomprescott - 12/3/09 at 05:09 PM

How was the poll tax stopped? I say we riot! Raze London to the ground - then again any excuse to start a fire gets me happy!

joemotion - 12/3/09 at 05:18 PM

On the other hand its about time they brought the motorway limits upto 80mph as nobody does 70 not even the filth

tomprescott - 12/3/09 at 05:26 PM

Originally posted by joemotion
..nobody does 70 not even the filth

I wish! On the m4 I always get p*ssed off by the absolute w*nkers who sit in the middle lane or sometimes even the fast lane doing 60-65 when there is nobody in the slowlane!

I've never flashed my lights at someone for going too slowly but they make me feel like it!

A1 - 12/3/09 at 05:36 PM

it kinda worked with the congestion charging in edinburgh, but they gave us trams instead...
im going to do the petition, after all its better than sitting back and accepting it

thunderace - 12/3/09 at 05:46 PM

i would make it 45mph i have seen two cars hit head on in a bend at around 55mph no one walked away and the kids were belted in the back ,i think if you seen it you wound think diferently.

JoelP - 12/3/09 at 05:51 PM

Originally posted by thunderace
i would make it 45mph i have seen two cars hit head on in a bend at around 55mph no one walked away and the kids were belted in the back ,i think if you seen it you wound think diferently.

was it a single track road then?

smart51 - 12/3/09 at 05:55 PM

The petition might do some good. Politicians often propose something just to see what public opinion is. If it is bad, the idea is quietly dropped. It doesn't always work but it is worth trying.

A1 - 12/3/09 at 07:26 PM

Originally posted by thunderace
i would make it 45mph i have seen two cars hit head on in a bend at around 55mph no one walked away and the kids were belted in the back ,i think if you seen it you wound think diferently.

so...5mph would have saved them??ive seen accidents at 30 end up with those consequences.

hughpinder - 12/3/09 at 08:37 PM

I believe the 50/50 chance of survival is still at about 40mph into a solid object- not sure how that works for a car coming the other way

tommyab - 12/3/09 at 08:49 PM

Originally posted by thunderace
i would make it 45mph i have seen two cars hit head on in a bend at around 55mph no one walked away and the kids were belted in the back ,i think if you seen it you wound think diferently.

Speed itself isnt the culpret. Its just some drive without considering the road and/or conditions.

[Edited on 12/3/09 by tommyab]

hellbent345 - 12/3/09 at 08:54 PM

if that was a single track road then it was irresponsible for both drivers to be driving that quickly. if it wasnt then it was irresponsible for whoever was doing the blind overtake. whichever way you cut it it wasnt the speed limit that killed them, it was lack of understanding, roadcraft, skill, commonsense, etc etc. Dropping speed limits will do nothing to stop twats that drive along roads too fast for the conditions and what they can see in front of them, and i would say it may actually make things worse as many other drivers may lose all respect for speed limits including the ones that really matter.

For instance i know many many roads it is perfectly safe to do 60 along, that would be ridiculously annoying to do 50 along. So people think, ill do 60 here cos 50 is rididiculous. They then get onto a road it is a lot safer to do 50 or less along, but they still are conditioned to think 50 is a ridiculous speed. So they twat it along at whatever speed they like. So it wont change things.

What we need is for drivers to be educated to safe driving more, and JUDGING accurately for themselves safe speeds and safe ways of driving, not for drivers to be told round every corner they have to go at a blanket low speed where it mostly isnt appropriate. This will just wee them off and lead to total disrespect for sppedlimits.

Also the filth will hide up on roads that are wide straight long and safe to do 60 on with the new 50 limits, and rub thier hands with glee when people doing 60 come past and get ticketed. Even though it is perfectly safe to do so on the road, which is why they (the filth) are doing it - becuase they know they will get a lot of revenue from it.

Educating drivers is the way forward, not giving f*cking stupid blanket rulings. pricks will still drive like pricks.

mr henderson - 12/3/09 at 09:20 PM

Originally posted by tomprescott

On the m4 I always get p*ssed off by the absolute w*nkers who sit in the middle lane or sometimes even the fast lane doing 60-65 when there is nobody in the slowlane!

Strictly speaking there isn't a 'fast' lane on motorways, although there are 'overtaking' lanes


idl1975 - 13/3/09 at 02:58 PM

Stating the obvious probably, but

(1) round my local (rural) neck of the woods, all cars are driven at 40mph in the 60 limits, and then 40mph in 30s, and then 40mph past the local school 20 zone. Except a straight downhill bit which is a 40 due to a blind crest and lots of people getting killed, where of course they all do 65 and pass each other.

(2) The limits aren't really policed any more by many forces, including ours, since they've fired all the traffic officers to allow them to pay civilian staff to ensure the police are filling out every form in quadruplicate instead of catching crims. You only ever see them on the largest A-roads, a/k/a motorway lite.

So a 50 limit wouldn't make a blind bit of difference, other than encouraging the hysterical forces of BRAKE.

Originally posted by A1
i know its been discussed on here already, but is that the end of it? is there any petition for it?
Id sign one no bother!