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Any legal experts/police officers out there?
DorsetStrider - 27/3/09 at 03:27 PM

Hiya all,

A friends waste of space boyfriend was arrested this morning for "inappropriate disorder". My friend is not being told anything other than this is what the charge is.

Can anyone tell us what inappropriate disorder is? is it the same as drunk and disorderly?

As always thanks in advance.

wrigglypig - 27/3/09 at 03:38 PM

In over 20 years service I have never heard of inappropriate disorder? surely all disorder by its very nature is inappropriate. Have you anymore detail? It could be a section 5 public order offence, drunk and disorderly or drunk and innacapable?

mistergrumpy - 27/3/09 at 03:39 PM

I've never heard of inappropriate disorder. I'd suggest that all disorder was inappropriate. It could be drunk and disorderly or maybe a public order offence. I don't know the full circumstances.

Worzey - 27/3/09 at 03:40 PM

Not sure what it is but interested to find out myself.

If there is an offence of "inappropriate disorder" it stands to reason there is no offence for "appropriate disorder".

I want to know what that is

tomprescott - 27/3/09 at 03:44 PM

Disorderly/Inappropriate behaviour, but I haven't heard of inappropriate disorder. Probably been arrested for a drunk and disorderly charge, kept in a cell over night to sober up then sent away with a caution/fine/summons as appropriate dependent on past offences.

DorsetStrider - 27/3/09 at 03:46 PM

I wonder if maybe the police stopped him as a random stop and he got lippy.

All the details we know are in my original post... that he was arrested for "inappropriate disorder"

Fozzie - 27/3/09 at 03:48 PM

Nope not heard of that one either......


James - 27/3/09 at 03:48 PM

Never heard of it!

I think she must be mistaken.

I'm just mailing my friend who's a defence solicitor to ask her about it.


mistergrumpy - 27/3/09 at 03:55 PM

^What? You don't trust the words of at least 3 Police Officers James? How very dare you!

*Only joking *

Canada EH! - 27/3/09 at 04:20 PM

Sounds like Drunk and Disorderly and Refusing to fight. Breach of the Public Peace.
The refusing to fight part is just added by officers who are aggrivated by drunks.
Sleep it off in a cell release and fine in the morning. SOP here in Canada, or was till they brought in detox centres. 36 yrs. Toronto Police.

Paul TigerB6 - 27/3/09 at 04:22 PM

Maybe the arresting officers had been on a course with the DVLA....... and are making the laws up as they go along.

James - 27/3/09 at 04:36 PM

Well, mail sent to my solicitor friend. She does legal aid type defence so spends a lot of her time with drunks in police stations at 4AM!


"Never heard of inappropriate disorder- causing harassment/alarm/distress
under section 5 of the Public Order Act. I never trust the general
public's memory of what they have been arrested for!"

So there you go!


James - 27/3/09 at 04:51 PM

Originally posted by mistergrumpy
^What? You don't trust the words of at least 3 Police Officers James? How very dare you!

*Only joking *

Of course I do...

I'm sure Labour have brought in a law banning disagreeing with the Police under one of the anti-terrorism acts anyway so I wouldn't dare!!!

Humbug - 27/3/09 at 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Worzey
Not sure what it is but interested to find out myself.

If there is an offence of "inappropriate disorder" it stands to reason there is no offence for "appropriate disorder".

I want to know what that is

or even "inappropriate order"?

Antnicuk - 27/3/09 at 10:16 PM

As said above, there is no such offence, it would be interesting to know what they actually did to get arrested, may give us a clue as to what offence they have been arrested for!

If they get an £80 fine/ticket then it could be section 5 Public Order act or Drunk & Dis.

If they get charged and sent to court its likely to be more serious!

Ninehigh - 28/3/09 at 01:39 AM

Appropriate disorder: Gently placing fag end and crisp packet on the floor and declaring in a quiet voice that the officer has the intellectual capacity of a donkey's rear. Then you doff your cap and bid the officer to get the sexual intercourse out of here

davie h - 28/3/09 at 01:44 AM

Originally posted by James
I never trust the general
public's memory of what they have been arrested for!"

So there you go!


alcohol plays a huge part in folk getting arrested. i have woken guys up in the cells that dont even know what city they are in never mind what they have done.

chrisg - 28/3/09 at 11:53 AM

Originally posted by davie h

alcohol plays a huge part in folk getting arrested. i have woken guys up in the cells that dont even know what city they are in never mind what they have done.

Have you been following me?



Ninehigh - 28/3/09 at 06:54 PM

Originally posted by davie h
Originally posted by James
I never trust the general
public's memory of what they have been arrested for!"

So there you go!


alcohol plays a huge part in folk getting arrested. i have woken guys up in the cells that dont even know what city they are in never mind what they have done.

How long does it take them to work out they're in a cell?

Peteff - 28/3/09 at 07:49 PM

I'd like to order breakfast now please and what time does the maid want the room empty for ?