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gps speedometer
blakep82 - 6/4/09 at 08:15 PM

why have i never seen/heard about these? is there any companies who make them?
is there a reason why they wouldn't work?

and i don't mean like sat nav with speedo built in, but like, a speedo is its only job

[Edited on 6/4/09 by blakep82]

coozer - 6/4/09 at 08:19 PM

My thoughts exactly, was looking at my satnav thinking what would it take to have the speedo in my 7...

I'm sure its on Browns list of taxing speeders

The Great Fandango - 6/4/09 at 08:19 PM

Strangely, I was thinking exactly the same thing this morning (in the day-dream kind of way that occurs when doing the weekly 400 mile round commute without a radio in the car).

I'm guessing the fact that the systems need a little while to lock onto a GPS signal is one valid reason. You'll be running the first minute or so of every journey without a speedo.

Mark G - 6/4/09 at 08:20 PM

If there is such a thing I'm not too sure it'd pass an SVA test as they'd have no way of checking it. I also think its over complicating a simple matter of wheel speed.

blakep82 - 6/4/09 at 08:22 PM

^oh, yeah, i'ved already got an 80mm speedo anyway, and very happy with it, but just wondered.

blakep82 - 6/4/09 at 08:24 PM


coozer - 6/4/09 at 08:26 PM

Heres another.. for boats....


AND more!


[Edited on 6/4/09 by coozer]

Dangle_kt - 6/4/09 at 08:26 PM

tunnels would be a problem.

blakep82 - 6/4/09 at 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Dangle_kt
tunnels would be a problem.

ah, that makes sense

eznfrank - 6/4/09 at 08:46 PM

If you have an i-phone or one of the new i-touch ipods then there is a pretty cool application called dynolicious. It's about £10 - 15 I think but does speed, 0-60, lateral G force and all sorts of other cool stuff.

Dynolicious linky

[Edited on 6/4/09 by eznfrank]

stevebubs - 6/4/09 at 08:52 PM

Tunnels, trees, high rise buildings all cause problems for GPS reception....

blakep82 - 6/4/09 at 08:53 PM

that'll be the answer then! just wondered

gingerprince - 6/4/09 at 08:57 PM

Don't think you'd get accurate readings on the rollers for SVA either

trogdor - 7/4/09 at 12:07 PM

when my 106 speedo cable snapped and i could not for the life of me figure out where the new cable was supposed to run. ( I pulled out the old cable out without thinking about it) I used a road angel to tell me my speed.

Apart from the beeps to warn of camera etc it has a GPS speedo too. Didn't fail mot like that either

[Edited on 7/4/09 by trogdor]