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Trying to find a specific F1 print
andyd - 29/4/09 at 10:21 AM

Years ago I went into a motor sport memorabilia shop and flicked through the F1 prints they had on sale. I came across one of the most memorable moments in F1 history which is Mansell overtaking Senna in the '91 Spanish GP down the main straight. Skid plate sparks etc. I think the print was titled "Wheel-to-wheel".

I've been looking for this print ever since as I didn't buy it at the time! I've never seen it on sale anywhere else.

Long shot - does anyone know where I might be able to get my hands on this print? I'm pretty sure I didn't dream it so convinced it was actually painted by somebody. It wasn't just a print of a TV pic, it was "original artwork" by someone.

Was of the image below...

matt_claydon - 29/4/09 at 10:30 AM

Don't know about a painting but looks like you can buy an extremely high resolution version of the original photograph here and then get is printed onto canvas or similar.

Photo link

[Edited on 29/4/09 by matt_claydon]

andyd - 29/4/09 at 10:46 AM

Thanks Matt. I'd rather have a painting of it but I guess if all else fails...

Mr Whippy - 29/4/09 at 11:10 AM

Originally posted by andyd
Thanks Matt. I'd rather have a painting of it but I guess if all else fails...

stick it through paintshop for that painted effect

actually it appears to have been a limited print run of only 350 and they've sold 1991

Image deleted by owner

Website linky do

with a bit of Paintshop jiggery pokery I bet you could scale and clean that up so you could reprint it. Or go and see the original and take a sneaky photo

[Edited on 29/4/09 by Mr Whippy]

andyd - 29/4/09 at 12:50 PM

Thanks for finding that Whippy. You really do spend your life on the 'net don't you?

Now that I see it though I'm very underwhelmed! Obviously it was many many years ago when I saw it and I was probably a teenager at the time.

Think I might either go for the actual photo or an entirely different print altogether.

Sorry to Andrew Kitson if he reads this!

Mr Whippy - 29/4/09 at 01:03 PM

yeah looks rather like the illustrations you use to get on the front of airfix kits, not the greatest piece of work