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Anyone NOT selling their seven?
mr henderson - 28/5/09 at 08:24 PM

Only joking, I'm sure most owners are planning to keep their cars for the time being, but am I alone in thinking that there seem to be a lot of sevens on the market?

Every day there seems to be a couple more. I wonder how many of them are selling? presumably it's the recession that is to blame, although I think in some cases people get a bit disenchanted after the initial thrill is gone


blakep82 - 28/5/09 at 08:28 PM

i'm not! i don't have one to sell though
i wouldn't sell mine, though i have found it very difficult to do anything with it for ages. haven't touched it in about 2 months not normally off it for this long...

JoelP - 28/5/09 at 08:32 PM

its definately the recession, more people feeling the pinch trying to cash in, and fewer people buying so you get more BTTTs. This also leads to a bit of a price crash as the more desperate people have to accept poor offers.

omega0684 - 28/5/09 at 08:32 PM

i've just paid mine off, so mine is staying for the time being, but now i am proper skint!

gordon h - 28/5/09 at 08:33 PM

hi it's mr imformation overload.
im selling mine but want a spire.

short and sweet thats me lol

matt.c - 28/5/09 at 08:37 PM

God no!!! Im having way too much fun in mine.

locoR1 - 28/5/09 at 08:44 PM

Mines been on the road close to 9 years don't think i will ever sell it,
Had a serious offer from a mate last year really made me think about selling it but in the end i just couldn't do it!

afj - 28/5/09 at 08:49 PM

not selling mine far too much fun and you get to meet such nice people when your out.


dhutch - 28/5/09 at 09:05 PM

Im not selling! Summers only just coming and ive only had it since september.

DIY Si - 28/5/09 at 09:06 PM

I was thinking about it, but since me and the wife split up, it's now my only means of transport! Which is my excuse for just spending what should have been £280 (ended up as £114) on some waterproof gear to drive it in. Bring on the summer says I!

BenB - 28/5/09 at 09:08 PM

Never!!!! A Locost is not just for Christmas!! I've got serious weekend of Locost driving planned

coozer - 28/5/09 at 09:09 PM

Not me, but as I'm starting a new project I need a bigger garage

hobzy - 28/5/09 at 09:12 PM

I'm not - 1 year since I bought it next week. Can't sell it anyway as it's in bits after the crash

I might sell it to finance another kit in the future though, if I don't get enough trackdays in. Would build something less track orientated.

smart51 - 28/5/09 at 09:14 PM

Me. It seems I'm not selling mine, though I'd like to. Nothing to do with any recession, I just want to move on to something else. It's just not as much as a thrill as it was when it was new.

tomgregory2000 - 28/5/09 at 09:16 PM


Its taken 4 and a half years to get it on the road, im not going to get rid of it now.

I love the fact that everybody looks at it and its feckin quick but it will never be finished.

locoR1 - 28/5/09 at 09:21 PM

Originally posted by afj
not selling mine far too much fun and you get to meet such nice people when your out.


I will remember that next time you want some carbon bits making or a secret keeping

omega0684 - 28/5/09 at 09:29 PM

Originally posted by locoR1

I will remember that next time you want some carbon bits making or a secret keeping

did someone say CARBON............

Guinness - 28/5/09 at 09:39 PM

I'm not selling (yet). Three years in, just turned over 6,500 miles.

It's still a pain in the arse at times, and just when I think I get one thing sorted, another thing falls off. But I can blame the idiot who did the original build

Just got to get the attic conversion finished, got a baby on the way in August and have started my own construction company (in the middle of the "credit crunch". So I may need funds later in the year.........



907 - 28/5/09 at 09:55 PM

Perhaps we should badger Fozzie to start a "not for sale section" on the forum.

Paul G

chrisg - 28/5/09 at 09:58 PM

Don't do it!

I didn't sell mine, it was taken back by the people it actually belonged to, but by god I miss it.

I don't think I'm ever going to leave myself without a "toy" car again, it's agony on days like today.



COREdevelopments - 28/5/09 at 10:15 PM

Nope not selling mine yet. I hate seeing 7s for sale at the moment because they all seem to be too cheap. deffo a buyers market!


Fozzie - 28/5/09 at 10:18 PM

Originally posted by 907
Perhaps we should badger Fozzie to start a "not for sale section" on the forum.

Paul G

I have thought about it ^^^ Paul....

Esmeralda (aka Fozzmobile) was SVA'd 5 years ago next month.....
Sell it? nope, no, never, ever, ever!


RK - 28/5/09 at 10:33 PM

Yes, but you have to come to Canada to get it, and it's cheaper to buy a professionally made one there than mine would be.

I don't have the requisite patience. My idea of a car is to take it to a mechanic when the oil needs changing, and when the tyres need changing for winter. I don't really know what I was thinking when I started this. I think I just found the Audi A4 too boring.

[Edited on 29/5/09 by RK]

jollygreengiant - 28/5/09 at 10:35 PM

A definite NO.!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mite sell it in 90 years time when I have finally finished it.

MautoK - 28/5/09 at 10:46 PM

Not selling, no way, no how!
It took 5 1/2 years to build and went OTR in April.
Since then, I've done 40 miles, broken the autobox and changed it; had horrible overheating; fitted a new radiator and complete re-plumb; head is currently off to try and cure the overheating. Apart from these minor local difficulties I love it!

DavidM - 28/5/09 at 10:57 PM

Mine will have been on the road for 3 years on Monday. First MOT is booked for tomorrow so fingers crossed.
After a six year scratch build I can't think of any situation that could arise which would result in me selling it. It's just mine.


A1 - 29/5/09 at 04:57 AM

nope, no way... after all ive been through with her, itll never happen!
getting the urge to add to the collection now though...

nick205 - 29/5/09 at 08:05 AM


Mine is up for sale due to tightness of cash, 3 kids, no spare time...etc.

However, truth be told it's only a very half hearted effort I'm making - more so I can say I'm "trying to sell it" rather than actually selling it

Meanwhile I shall be using it to make sure everything stays in good order for the "potential" new owner

David Jenkins - 29/5/09 at 08:08 AM

I can sort-of understand why people might sell a newly-built car - when you're used to FWD cars with a heater and a roof, soft suspension, and your S.O. doesn't mind going for a drive in it. Then you find yourself with a motorised bathtub that roars and vibrates, the wind's howling past your ears all the time, you get soaked when it rains and frozen in the winter. Oh - and every so often you have to stop and pick bits up off the road, or spend your weekends fixing things.

Personally, I like all that, but then I'm an ex-biker who considers his seven to be a motorbike substitute 'cos the missus won't let me have another bike! She loves being a passenger in my car, which is a bonus.

Mine's not for sale either...

wilkingj - 29/5/09 at 08:15 AM

Nope... My Luego is not for sale.

However, the Caravan is! (After I've been on holiday in July)

The car's a pain, but wouldnt sell it.

02GF74 - 29/5/09 at 08:43 AM

Originally posted by gordon h
hi it's mr imformation overload.
im selling mine but want a spire.

there is a spire kit for sale on here.

Marcus - 29/5/09 at 09:20 AM

I can't see me ever selling mine. Even though I'm skint, the car owes me nothing, so stays.
My son is 1 year old, and I look forward to him having a go in it one day

Vindi_andy - 29/5/09 at 10:45 AM

Nope Definately not selling. Only been on the road 2 weeks after 2 years build and having far too much fun.

Besides it the only "sporty" looking kit car that has 4 seats and doesnt cost the earth, and as I have 2 kids aged 7 & 9 The mrs wouldn't let me have a kit unless it had 4 seats.

Cant see me selling anytime soon either maybe when the kids are old enough to leave home alone will sell it to fund a murtaya

spdpug98 - 29/5/09 at 10:50 AM

Not selling mine, still need to get through my SVA re-test / re-test / re- test - bloomin noise!!!

Jasper - 29/5/09 at 03:33 PM

Yup - mine is up for sale too, but as others have said, don't really want to sell it, but need to be seen to be doing the 'right thing' ....

Fozzie - 29/5/09 at 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Jasper
Yup - mine is up for sale too, ..........


Jasper - 30/5/09 at 09:17 AM

'fraid so, but I have put it up for an awful lot, so not expecting to sell it soon:


DM - 2/6/09 at 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Jasper
'fraid so, but I have put it up for an awful lot, so not expecting to sell it soon:


ahh... noticed that one at the sylva meet recently - very nice car - and lots of scary fun I should imagine

eddbaz - 20/6/09 at 11:59 AM

Originally posted by afj
not selling mine far too much fun and you get to meet such nice people when your out.


Not selling mine,enjoy watching afj from my rear view mirror too much.

[Edited on 20/6/09 by eddbaz]