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Are pickled onions that are 18 months out of date edible? - now burnt hand
MikeR - 31/5/09 at 02:15 PM

As this forum can answer anything.......

I've got a jar of pickled onions that i've opened at some point. The sell by date is July 2007.

Are they still edible (and by edible I mean, enjoyable and no trip to the toilet afterwards)?

[Edited on 31/5/09 by MikeR]

blakep82 - 31/5/09 at 02:17 PM

er, well they're pickled, so should be fine.

James - 31/5/09 at 02:19 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
er, well they're pickled, so should be fine.


You're hardly going to get food poisoning anyway so try 'em and if they're not nice bin them.

[Edited on 31/5/09 by James]

Dave Ashurst - 31/5/09 at 02:21 PM

Don't forget to let us know how you get on. Someone might find it helpful in future.

82 Locost - 31/5/09 at 02:23 PM

Sounds like a good way to lose weight.

blakep82 - 31/5/09 at 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Dave Ashurst
Don't forget to let us know how you get on. Someone might find it helpful in future.

if you can obviously. if you''re still alive and stuff

Benzine - 31/5/09 at 02:28 PM

You shouldn't eat them. I'm sure they're fine to eat technically, but they're pickled onions!

mr henderson - 31/5/09 at 02:32 PM

There are no onions that are edible in any form whatsoever, pickled or unpickled, in date or out. Onions should be banned, ban them I say. As for garlic, that should be banned too. And then banned again. Then dug up and banned for a third time.


zilspeed - 31/5/09 at 02:32 PM

Eat one and see how you go.

If you live, eat the rest of them.

That's how I tend to deal with these issues and this is one of these rare chances in life where the safety Nazis don't get to tell you what you're going to do.
Besides which, pickling foods was done originally for the taste, it's to preserve it - as you already know.

Get them down yer neck.

whitestu - 31/5/09 at 02:32 PM

I once had some 30 year old tinned fruit that had been in my Uncle's cellar and it was perfect.

Dave Ashurst - 31/5/09 at 02:36 PM

Originally posted by whitestu
I once had some 30 year old tinned fruit that had been in my Uncle's cellar and it was perfect.

..and it hasn't affected you.

Dangle_kt - 31/5/09 at 02:36 PM

The forum is living up to it's name.

Pickled onions - 99p, watching a youtube video of mike blowing his guts up....priceless

zilspeed - 31/5/09 at 02:47 PM

Originally posted by mr henderson
There are no onions that are edible in any form whatsoever, pickled or unpickled, in date or out. Onions should be banned, ban them I say. As for garlic, that should be banned too. And then banned again. Then dug up and banned for a third time.



The red onion when served with some real proper chicken tikka is a thing of beauty.
On a more prosaic level, anyone that cannot glean joy from chopped onion added to cheese on toast ( or is it roasted cheese ? - discuss) is indeed a strange individual.

smart51 - 31/5/09 at 02:49 PM

Originally posted by 82 Locost
Sounds like a good way to lose weight.

I'm currently losing weight this way, though not from pickles. It isn't so great, trust me.

GeorgeM - 31/5/09 at 02:56 PM

Only reason that tins & pickles etc go out
of date is that the preservatives go off.
Good food ruined by chemicals

Old tins & jars didn't have chemicals,
so no problem


stevegough - 31/5/09 at 03:20 PM

They'll be absolutely fine - after all its YOU thats giong to eat them , not US.

Trust us........

After all, we're a forum......

blakep82 - 31/5/09 at 03:34 PM

er, haven't heard from mike for a while, do you suppose he's alright?

speedyxjs - 31/5/09 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
er, haven't heard from mike for a while, do you suppose he's alright?

It seems he cant make it to a computer right now

MikeR - 31/5/09 at 04:07 PM

can make it to computer.........

can't type well - badly burnt hand welding!!!

Forgot that after you leave a piece, walk away, potter, walk back cant hold another bit of steel with gloves on, remove glove as you can't hold it properly, when you go to support yourself even though the metal isn't glowing its still blooming hot.

never had my hand sting so much before - keep putting it inside wine cooler to keep cold. used up cold packs

(didn't try pickles yet - i believe the way sell by dates etc are set is by a combination of one of two things - 1) its the date - a bit they reasonably expect the food to last 2) its how long they could be bothered testing for ........ eg if you want to write 50 years sell by, you are supposed to test the product for 50 years)

[Edited on 31/5/09 by MikeR]

dave1888 - 31/5/09 at 04:15 PM

Did the pickled onions make you burn your hand welding.

Macbeast - 31/5/09 at 05:29 PM

Pickled onions are NEVER edible.

MikeR - 31/5/09 at 05:49 PM

no - pickled onions didn't make me burn myself.

Diagnosis is a deep thickness burn or something sounding like that. (diagnosis from mate who used to work in foundry, not hospital).

No blisters just damned painful if my hand spends more than 30 seconds away from iced water / ice pack / something very cold.

iank - 31/5/09 at 06:16 PM

Originally posted by MikeR

Diagnosis is a deep thickness burn or something sounding like that. (diagnosis from mate who used to work in foundry, not hospital).

Sounds like a bad 2nd or 3rd degree burn, personally I'd head to A&E and get some decent anti-septic on it as if it gets infected it'll be a lot worse. They should be able to give you some 'proper' pain killers so you'll get a nights sleep at least.

mr henderson - 31/5/09 at 07:03 PM

I second IanK's advice, metal burns are known for turning septic.

Beware of breathing onion fumes over the nurses at A&E


Peteff - 31/5/09 at 07:06 PM

We're still eating pickled onions and chutney we made 4 years ago with no ill effects, pickling is a way of preserving food so I say go for it. Get a bag of peas out of the freezer for the burn, it drapes nicely over the affected area (sweetcorn will do as a second choice or sliced green beans)

[Edited on 31/5/09 by Peteff]

MikeR - 31/5/09 at 07:14 PM

did the burn about 2 1/2 hours ago.

had hand in iced water for last 40 mins as run out of other cold stuff.

so far (5 mins out of water) it seems ok. Think i've finally taken the heat out - although my fingers are a little numb from the cold water and typing is difficult.

weird bit is the complete lack of skin damage - no blisters. Slowly starting to see the area that i lent on turn a little redder (ie 1" wide strip).

From what i've read there is nothing they can do apart from cold water etc. Long story but if the skin does break i've got some prescription antiseptic / antibiotic cream (insert bit about men going to see a doctor etc). If its sore in the morning i'll go see someone.

Now as i've not gone out as usual on a sunday ........ trying to figure what i could do. Perhaps i should try the onions

MikeR - 31/5/09 at 07:20 PM

spoke to soon - hands heading back to iced water!

(least the pizza is in the oven and the ciders open)

chrisg - 31/5/09 at 07:45 PM

Lost count of the times I've done that, comsierations mate



richard thomas - 31/5/09 at 08:44 PM

Try pickling never know!

Liam - 31/5/09 at 09:16 PM

You did say you've previously opened it, so there's the possibility the change of air and lack of seal could introduce stuff that could cause it to go off. I've had an old jar of pickled onions grow mold on top as they'd been opened. Still, even then I guess I could have dug out the layer of green hairy mold and the onoins underneath were probably fine! Didn't though...


David Jenkins - 31/5/09 at 09:20 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
Forgot that after you leave a piece, walk away, potter, walk back cant hold another bit of steel with gloves on, remove glove as you can't hold it properly, when you go to support yourself even though the metal isn't glowing its still blooming hot.

Did something similar, but still had my welding gloves on when I picked the metal - still hurt, through the gloves... no damage, but I did drop the piece PDQ!

carpmart - 31/5/09 at 09:42 PM

I've done pretty much the same thing at it bloody hurt! I was racing and managed to get the paramedics to but a burns bandage on and in such a way as I could still get my glove on for the last race. God did that hurt!

Then 3 hours driving home with the hand out the window (right hand luckily) to keep it in some cool airflow.

It hurt for a few days but got in the way for 2 week or so whilst it healed!

I promise you that you will be extra careful in future!

02GF74 - 1/6/09 at 10:28 AM

you big wuss!!!

remember David Carradine in the series Kung Fu? He lifted and carried a cauldon of boiling coals and didn't moan as much as you.

I'll bet he eats pickled onions, straight from the jar using his fingers, no girly fork for him

Vindi_andy - 1/6/09 at 12:24 PM

if there is no blistering the burn has gone deep.

If the skin break cover in cling film strange I know but makes an airtight seal the keep the microbes out and stop it going septic. It is prepared and rolled in a clean sterile environment and the inside will still be sterile as it makes a seal on itself. It wont actually stick to the burnt area. Its what hospitals use and what is recomended to first aiders.

My mum had some pickled eggs she had done that were 5 years old. been done in brown vinegar rather than white and they were edible if a little strong on the vinegar taste

[Edited on 1/6/09 by Vindi_andy]