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Don't ya just luv..
coozer - 8/6/09 at 07:47 PM



blakep82 - 8/6/09 at 07:49 PM

yeah, it has its charms?

eddie99 - 8/6/09 at 07:50 PM

100% yep

clairetoo - 8/6/09 at 07:51 PM

Did I miss something ? ? ?

MK chippy - 8/6/09 at 07:53 PM

bye bye Ponting! Ponting bye bye! love it!

eddie99 - 8/6/09 at 07:53 PM

You missed the cricket? how could you? lol

It was a good match.. put the aussies in a bad mood before the ashes, i like it


blakep82 - 8/6/09 at 07:56 PM

cricket?! of course i missed the cricket! terrible thing to watch lol

omega0684 - 8/6/09 at 08:01 PM

its a pity there isn't a bored sleeping smiley

coozer - 8/6/09 at 08:06 PM

Its Twenty20 man, get with it!

speedyxjs - 8/6/09 at 08:10 PM

Originally posted by omega0684
its a pity there isn't a bored sleeping smiley

eddie99 - 8/6/09 at 08:15 PM

As stated above, its 20:20, which isnt really cricket because its a fun version thats good entertainment

Hellfire - 8/6/09 at 08:39 PM



Simon - 8/6/09 at 08:41 PM

Been watching bits and pieces over the weekend, and bit that stands out most was watching Croetzer catch the ball on Sat.

Great catch



eddie99 - 8/6/09 at 08:59 PM

Yeah that was a pretty impressive catch

MikeRJ - 8/6/09 at 09:03 PM

Originally posted by eddie99
As stated above, its 20:20, which isnt really cricket because its a fun version thats good entertainment

Marginally more bearable than normal cricket, but still a country mile away from my idea of entertainment. That said I did go to Taunton to watch them play against Gloucester, but only because I was badgered by a bunch of guys from work and they mentioned something about lots of beer...

donny - 9/6/09 at 09:21 AM

Well I've always liked the Dutch...!

(Just a bit of a ribbing!)

Hope Ireland can keep going; people don't always realise how much it is played over there.


chrisg - 9/6/09 at 11:26 AM

I love cricket.


I even prefer the long form of the game, test matches. In fact I think it's time we went back to the "timeless test" format where the game takes as long as it takes for four complete innings. England once had to abandon a test match in Austrailia because they had to get the boat home.

If you don't like cricket it's probably because you've never got close enough to understand the sublties of the game. How many times has someone said to you that F1 is just "cars going round and round"?

Twenty20 is popular because most people these days have the attention span of a goldfish



martyn_16v - 9/6/09 at 08:15 PM

Heathens the lot of you

To be fair, it's not exactly a sport you can just pick up and watch straight away, you need to have some idea of what you're looking at to really appreciate the ebb and flow of test cricket. But once you've got the hang of it it suddenly becomes a hell of a lot more involved and believe it or not, exciting.

And besides, it's a very good excuse to sit in the sun for a few days and get trolleyed