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Moving to France
2cv - 18/6/09 at 05:40 PM

I know a number of people on this Forum reside in France and may be able to help with this query.

Can a kit car registered in the UK be taken to France and in due course, if necessary, be issued with French plates and be legal over there?

Thank you in advance for your advice.

splitrivet - 18/6/09 at 05:45 PM

Sure why not it, I think it would have to pass control technique though (thier version of MOT).

James - 18/6/09 at 05:59 PM

I can't see why not but I understand it's a total nightmare.

Some business about getting the local mayor to sign off the paperwork and stuff!!!

Apparently they don't like non-recognised marques.


dogwood - 18/6/09 at 06:04 PM


The short answer is NO

the long answer is NOOOOOOOOO.

You need a Certificate of Conformity to get any car registered in France.

It would be almost impossible to get one for a kitcar, and would cost you a fortune to try.

I can tell you how to register a "Normal" car in France if needed.

I have been here 10 years, and have registered 4 UK cars now.
Beleive me if it was possible I would do it in an instant....
No road tax here remember.

And before anyone says it....
Yes you do need road tax on a Uk reg car in France, although some people will tell you different.....


[Edited on 18/6/09 by dogwood]

James - 18/6/09 at 06:20 PM

Buy a car that's been incorrectly registered under it's donor details!

Then just import that!


2cv - 18/6/09 at 06:21 PM

Thank you dogwood, that's what I feared.

Next question if you've not already guessed is for how long can a car be driven on UK plates in France?

dogwood - 18/6/09 at 06:50 PM

quote]Originally posted by James
Buy a car that's been incorrectly registered under it's donor details!

Then just import that!


You put a smily so assume you are JOKING...

Originally posted by 2cv
Thank you dogwood, that's what I feared.

Next question if you've not already guessed is for how long can a car be driven on UK plates in France?

Proverbial can of worms this one...

Assuming you are still living in the UK, but have a French "Holiday home"
Then a max of 6 one year.
If you are here full time then you have as long as it takes to get it changed over..
You're French insurance will give you about 2 months to do it.

There are some people that will tell you different,
They will tell you they have been here years and still on English plates.

They think they are legal...They AIN'T

As you can probably tell, this is one of my bug bares....


2cv - 18/6/09 at 07:28 PM

Thanks dogwood for your definitive answer; just what I was looking for. I know there's lots of chancers out there in France but I don't want to be one of them and would certainly not risk driving without a valid insurance.

Thanks mate once again


dogwood - 18/6/09 at 07:36 PM

No Prob's mate.

If you do ever need help with French reg,
Let me know.
It is really easy when you know the routine


MikeCapon - 18/6/09 at 09:10 PM

Solution. Have the car registered in the name of a friend in the UK. Don't get it registered in your own name. Then you can drive it providing you're insured and all is well.

How do 'they' know how long the car has been over here?

omega0684 - 18/6/09 at 09:25 PM

why cant you move to france and take the car with you and just not register it as a french car.

i guess when it comes to MOT and tax time it would be a pain?

l0rd - 18/6/09 at 09:51 PM

I face the same problem.

I was hoping to get the car registered here and take it to Greece. I cannot see light in the end of the tunnel.

I even considered getting a westfield and built it myself. Still can't. They only want factory cars.

Westfield told me that they will make a car soon that will be ok to reg everywhere in Europe but 25K

clairetoo - 18/6/09 at 09:53 PM

This all sounds typically french - in the EU when it suits them , and not in when it dont
Under the EU laws (as I understand it...) if it's legal in England , then it's legal all over europe - or does that only apply to laws meant to make life hard for us all

spaximus - 18/6/09 at 10:05 PM

There have been kit cars registered in France but the process is a total farce. There are Westfield that have been registered in the past and now Westfield are producing a model that is compatible with French law but as said it is £25k.
The local mayor is a key person in the process.
If it was me I would buy a Caterham as they can be re registered in France as they met the low volume rules some years ago.
The EU law states that a vehicle registered in one country should be okay in another but the French do not comply with all EU rules

froggy - 18/6/09 at 10:17 PM

i do a few cars each year for french ex pats as its easier to keep the car legal with a british mot etc than get it registered in france

l0rd - 18/6/09 at 10:37 PM

Originally posted by spaximus
There have been kit cars registered in France but the process is a total farce. There are Westfield that have been registered in the past and now Westfield are producing a model that is compatible with French law but as said it is £25k.
The local mayor is a key person in the process.
If it was me I would buy a Caterham as they can be re registered in France as they met the low volume rules some years ago.
The EU law states that a vehicle registered in one country should be okay in another but the French do not comply with all EU rules

Still though. You need to buy a Factory built caterham not a kit. Hand built cars are not allowed.

RK - 18/6/09 at 10:37 PM

Just in case it comes up, I was talking to a Caterham dealer a couple of years ago in Luxembourg. His words: "Kit cars are finished in Europe. Don't even try. You can't".

dogwood - 19/6/09 at 04:57 AM

As I said....A can of worms...

First of. It has nothing to do with the Mayor. It's all to do with the DRIRE.
That's the department that is responsable for all Homologation.
Cars, Caravans, Trailers, etc.

Secondly. The 6 month rule applies in the UK as well. Yes you could get away with it
As someone said, How do they know how long you been here....
Does your insurance cover you for that amount of time out of the country.
I know mine don't

Finaly . Why wouldn't you want to get it regestered in France.
Costs about 100€, and is Easy peasy.
Remember No roadtax...Already saved the cost of the change over.
Oh and 2 years between MOT's.

Anyway, I'm off on me hols now.
Take care you lot, see ya when I get back


Andy North - 19/6/09 at 07:53 PM

Kit cars in France are impossible!

My solution was to keep the kit car in France for six months and have it taxed & MOT'd in the UK as required. Insurance in the UK allowed for this.

Unfortunately you end up paying for the best things in live

chrisg - 19/6/09 at 08:23 PM

Andy mate, you need a smaller avatar

I've been to France

hope this helps


[Edited on 19/6/09 by chrisg]

Andy North - 19/6/09 at 08:30 PM

I am trying.... but then I have been drinking

chrisg - 19/6/09 at 08:35 PM

Andy North - 19/6/09 at 08:58 PM

The 'family' have been in France for 8 years. Whenever we have a car on the trailer it is amazing the reaction you get, they are nearly all petrol heads.... just a shame that the authorities do not see it that way...muppets!!!!

splitrivet - 20/6/09 at 10:47 AM

Well you learn something everyday, I was thinking it would have been the same for any car But thats the French for you.

Had my gaff there for 12 years but it is a holiday home so never imported a vehicle but know a lot who have.

Following my last trip I would certainly think twice about moving over there now, the place has become shockingly expensive and not just because of the Euro/Pound rate.