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Can anyone make these?
chrisg - 30/6/09 at 01:18 PM

One of my Dad's mates is making a model ship (he's a wounded veteran and house bound).

He needs some rivets made in Stainless steel and he's asked me. I haven't got a clue!

Could anyone make these for him? He needs 36 of each.



emsfactory - 30/6/09 at 01:26 PM

I am next to a precision engineers. I can ask them for a price if you want. No idea what they would cost though.

chrisg - 30/6/09 at 01:29 PM

That'd be good if you could - thanks mate

Mr Whippy - 30/6/09 at 01:48 PM

if you look on the web, especially on sites for miniture steam engines/trains you'll find ready made ones

[Edited on 30/6/09 by Mr Whippy]

chrisg - 30/6/09 at 02:18 PM

From what I understand he's looked but they need to be this precise size for his needs.

I'll have a look though.



Litemoth - 30/6/09 at 08:54 PM

He seems pretty handy on the CAD for an old un!

It'll be pretty expensive to tool up for a quantity of those ....

Base on stainless nails maybe?

[Edited on 30/6/09 by Litemoth]

flak monkey - 30/6/09 at 09:02 PM

Considering 0.00003" is a micron (0.001mm), and some of those sizes are ambitious unless he wants them ground... even then a 5 micron tolerance is tight (a red blood cell is ~8microns!

I cant understand why rivets would need to be so closely sized, and he will struggle to get someone to make them that accurately for him as they are, TBH, unrealistic. Unless the actual tolerance on the sizes is quite wide, but this isnt shown on the drawings (remember a typical turning tolerance is +/-0.01mm (0.0003" ) at best, generally 0.02mm)


[Edited on 30/6/09 by flak monkey]

iank - 1/7/09 at 07:05 AM

I think he's probably measured the rivet on a full sized ship and applied his models scale factor without thinking about the massive accuracy he's implied.
Too easy to do when using CAD.