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Common Sence Judge - SHOCK STORY!
Dangle_kt - 1/7/09 at 09:03 PM

not common enough!

*davies144* - 1/7/09 at 09:09 PM

second that the little sh*t desevrd what he got!

[Edited on 1/7/09 by *davies144*]

clairetoo - 1/7/09 at 09:09 PM

Isnt it the same story as this one ?

ReMan - 1/7/09 at 11:45 PM

The tw**ts not bleeding enough!
Let's hope he get's some more "painful justice" inside

Confused but excited. - 2/7/09 at 01:32 PM

He only punched the little sh1t twice.
I would have danced on his head but being safety concious, I would have put my work boots on first..
Then shoved his knife up his @rse, handle first, so that he cut his fingers trying to get it out.

[Edited on 2/7/09 by Confused but excited.]

wilkingj - 2/7/09 at 02:34 PM

Its about time the judiciary upheld the law, and looked after the victims.
Usually little Sh*ts like that get away with it.
Full marks to the judge.

iti_uk - 3/7/09 at 08:46 AM

That's an excellent piece of justice!!

My dad used to teach art to inmates in my hometown, one of whom was a 70-odd year-old karate black-belt-type-guy. He was attacked on the street by 3 youths trying to mug him, who he proceeded to kick the proverbials out of. He went to jail for GBH IIRC, and the muggers got away with it, albeit with damaged pride.

We need a "Minister of Common Sense"! Meybe the judge in the story could be him...?


woodster - 3/7/09 at 09:29 AM

good for the old guy after all an englishmans home is his castle ... as said above ... i would have beat him to a pulp then dragged him outside by his hair and run him over with my pickup then i would have nail gunned him to a lamp post ...... i'm not a particularly violent man