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Why can't I play recorded DVD's on another player?
John P - 4/8/09 at 11:02 AM

I'm going mad trying to sort this out!

I've got a Samsung recorder with both a Hard Disk and DVD writer and last week I recorded something off the News onto the hard disk for my daughter. This appears OK and I can play it back fine.

In order to give her a copy I then tried to copy it from the hard disk onto DVD.

I've tried both +R and -R disks, I've checked the setup which appears to be set to V Mode compatibility and I've made sure I finalised the disks when required.

The copy plays back OK on my machine but on my neighbours the sound and picture are out of sync and on my daughters all you get is a still picture?

Samsung aren't much help (to be honest they give contradictory advice every time I phone). I did drop into Curry's and they suggested changing the make of disk so I've now used an own brand, TDK and Samsunk disks but all without success.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


blakep82 - 4/8/09 at 11:10 AM

with cds at least, you need to close the session before normal cd players can read them, and computers can still read them withought closing the session.

when the session is closed, no more info can be written to the cd/dvd, is it maybe still leaving the dvd open to recording? is there a close session option?

i think its called closing the session...

GeorgeM - 4/8/09 at 11:22 AM

use cd's- it's a lot simpler


mattf - 4/8/09 at 12:06 PM

As blakep82 says you need to finalise the disk (that's what it is called on my LG DVD recorder). When ever I record a TV programme on to DVD I always have to finalise it for the DVD (DVD-R or DVD+R) to work on another machine. It will work fine on mine without finalising.

Marcus - 4/8/09 at 12:13 PM


and I've made sure I finalised the disks when required.

I think he knows about finalising discs.
No help here though, I have no idea.....

blakep82 - 4/8/09 at 12:39 PM

^ sorry, missed that bit

BenB - 4/8/09 at 01:16 PM

Some players are very touchy re which discs will work and won't work.... My Pioneer DVD player will play Verbatim R+ but that's about it!!! Trial and error I'm afraid...

Jasper - 4/8/09 at 03:04 PM

There is no real answer to this, it's all trial and error with recordable DVD's .... I gave up in the end and just use a Humax PVR and Popcorn Hour to play stuff from my PC to my plasma..... can't remeber the last time I used the DVD player.

Peteff - 4/8/09 at 03:35 PM

Get a new media player that reads USB memory sticks and do away with the disks.