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"travelers" in the car park. What to do?
smart51 - 17/8/09 at 08:27 AM

We have half a dozen traveler's caravans in the work's car park. What's the best way to get rid of them? Someone has parked a pickup across the driver but I seem to recall that this isn't exactly legal. Where would we stand with this?

nitram38 - 17/8/09 at 08:27 AM

5 tons of Manure?

carpmart - 17/8/09 at 08:30 AM

Water Cannon?

Angus180 - 17/8/09 at 08:31 AM

horizontal fire works, bangers ect.

Guinness - 17/8/09 at 08:36 AM

Legally I doubt there is much you can do quickly. Their a recognized minority now, with human rights etc etc.

However, there were some interesting suggestions over on PH:-

Friday Fun Pistonheads



cd.thomson - 17/8/09 at 08:37 AM

the pigs? theyve got to be able to do something other than bully and interfer with the average joe right?

Howlor - 17/8/09 at 08:45 AM

I recall at my last company in Hull some negotiation with a gentle persuasion with a bull dozer seemed to do the trick!


smac - 17/8/09 at 08:55 AM

When we had one of our sites infested we were advised to block them in. We had a large lorry full of rubble emptied out to block half the entrance way and told them we would be back with another in half an hour. As they need to go out everyday to steal they dont like this so they moved. Still left plenty of crap for us to clean up.

Steve Hignett - 17/8/09 at 08:56 AM

Start putting in Severely large CarPark Blocking posts in the ground, one a day until there is enough space to get a car and caravan through, then tell them they've got three days to leave, before the last one goes in. Sealing them and their car's in for good. Obviously, they could rip them out, but that would be damage to your property.

This was the quickest and most effective way of getting them off business grounds round here (there's faffing millions of the thieving bar stewards).

The only other way needs a LOT of men. There was 300+ the last time here. One bulldozer and one tractor with poo flinger on the back. He just poo-spread the vans up and down all night...

If you go this way, make sure no-one on your side is carrying any weapon, cos the police'll have you...

[Edited on 17-8-09 by Fozzie]

Benzine - 17/8/09 at 08:58 AM

Just go down the usual route with the police, the whole process takes time and the travellers know this so they can hop between places. If you take anything into your own hands it'll end up being worse, the whole thing is a pain

Steve Hignett - 17/8/09 at 08:59 AM

smac's reply wasn't there when I was typing - so that's the same thing really.

The only difference, if you use decent posts, leave them in and they hopefully won't be back...

Danozeman - 17/8/09 at 09:20 AM

Petrol and some matches. Burn em out!!

BenB - 17/8/09 at 10:24 AM

If it's only your car park (and not near a residential area) can't you put speakers up outside and play death metal 24 hours a day?

Guinness - 17/8/09 at 10:52 AM

If it was a works carpark, I'd be looking at wiring the siren from a burglar alarm up to a battery and having it come on randomly through the night.

Failing that, order up a couple of shipping containers to be delivered into the yard to form a nice cordon around them!


theconrodkid - 17/8/09 at 11:01 AM

the one thing they really fear is fire as they keep sack fulls of cash in the caravans,some local smackheads could possibly be bribed to lob some petrol bombs at them,failing that report to plod you were threatened with a gun....good luck

flak monkey - 17/8/09 at 11:34 AM

As conrod says, say you think you have seen them carrying shotguns and report it to the police. They will be there liek a shot so to speak.

Other than that, the blocking them in is a good move too. As if they decide to rip out posts its then criminal damage to your property so they can only lose.


chris_smith - 17/8/09 at 11:55 AM

we had some in works car park week before last, call the council complain about noise smells and rubbish, call them several times a day and get other works around you (if any) to also call complaining, dont confront them stay away as they can get terribly nasty police wont do anything until council get a "moving on order" or if there is any trouble.


MikeR - 17/8/09 at 12:01 PM

had them on the land opposite work. I believe the company that owned the land made a contribution per family to move on.

Once they'd gone the company that owned the land had a number of barrels of concrete delivered and a large 6 foot ditch dug.

They've never been back - but i'm convinced i've seen some scouting the land.

Moorron - 17/8/09 at 12:08 PM

i remember when we had some on the small patch of grass opposite work. We joked at how the police visted them every morning for 2 week (to get a free coffee) and how things started to disappear from around the area. it was nice to see their 2 dogs 'doing it' on our carpark all day.

it would be great to know someone who owns a monster truck, i mean how would they notice the difference between old cars and pikey ones. hehe

We also have a small group of them nearer home which just move on from one place to the next but stay in a 1 mile radius. Funny how every drain cover is now missing on the estate.

morcus - 17/8/09 at 12:34 PM

Hire gangsters.

steve m - 17/8/09 at 01:02 PM

Ive always had a desire to "paintball" there caravans. in the middle of the night
perhaps from the back of a decent M/bike with plates off, and then scarper

I WOULD not want to be caught by them !!

CRAIGR - 17/8/09 at 01:55 PM

Call an airstrike and nuke the thieving lowlife fcukers and their scumbag kids. Then use the hole for landfill or a boating lake.

cd.thomson - 17/8/09 at 01:57 PM

Originally posted by CRAIGR


been keeping out of this conversation because my little brother sort of looks a bit gypo, but that was a big dollop of hatred right there!

[Edited on 17/8/09 by cd.thomson]

Benzine - 17/8/09 at 02:01 PM

Originally posted by CRAIGR
Call an airstrike and nuke the thieving lowlife fcukers and their scumbag kids. Then use the hole for landfill or a boating lake.

all travellers? or just the ones in the carpark?

[Edited on 17/8/09 by Benzine]

mistergrumpy - 17/8/09 at 02:45 PM

I'd start by telling the police. It depends on how involved they want to get and how much they know about the available powers. In Manchester we used to start by taking vehicle registrations and checking them which moved a few. In Salford we have quite a good grip on travellers and we have an active multi agency team that are quite appreciated by them but if necessary a senior officer can and has issued a kind of dispersal order that was originally intended for illegal raves but as it was never written that way specifically it is used for other things.
Like I say, it all depends on how interested they are and how much they want to push things. A bit weak I know.

theconrodkid - 17/8/09 at 03:29 PM

"Call an airstrike and nuke the thieving lowlife fcukers and their scumbag kids. Then use the hole for landfill or a boating lake."

gets my vote for suggestion of the week

DAN-MNR-ZX12R - 17/8/09 at 04:58 PM

I foooking hate pikeys. Scum of the earth!!


Im sure you can have a fire on your own property, not your fault if some people are randomly in the bonfire lol.

Benzine - 17/8/09 at 08:37 PM

I'm going to read my copy of the daily mail and I might come back and write a brilliant post containing lots of reactionary hatred


JoelP - 17/8/09 at 08:45 PM

Originally posted by Benzine
I'm going to read my copy of the daily mail and I might come back and write a brilliant post containing lots of reactionary hatred


never mind the daily mail, wait til you get robbed by them - that should sort you out for a nice rant!