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OT: Lost Mobile phone advice please
nitram38 - 23/8/09 at 05:07 PM

I feel like I have won a £1 and lost a fiver.
Ian Stent photographed the MotaLeira today for October's Complete kit car mag, but somewhere between my house and the factory est we used, I lost my Blackberry Storm.
It still has 15 months contract and no insurance
I have to buy a new phone which will give me the same functions but better than the Storm. Although costly, losing it will probably done me a favour as the storm is and over-rated piece of sh*t!
15 months at £35 is £525 so it looks like an unlocked phone for me!
I was going to go for an i-phone once my contract was up so can anyone recommend a good source to get one?
I've looked on ebay, but trust is a big issue when buying a phone on there.
Cheers Martin

02GF74 - 23/8/09 at 05:58 PM

... you've tried phoning it to see if anyone answers? yeah, ofcourse you have.

and plead for its return???

my IS nicked it?

prawnabie - 23/8/09 at 06:00 PM

With the iphone you can pinpoint its location if you have lost it - can you not do somet like that with the blackberry?

nitram38 - 23/8/09 at 06:04 PM

I pretty much think the phone went over the side while driving.
With all the engine noise, I wouldn't have noticed it.
When called, it goes to answerphone, so it is eithe smashed or sim removed.
Luckily I have backed the phone numbers up on my PC.

blakep82 - 23/8/09 at 06:49 PM

what features do you need in a phone?

i know a lot of people swear by the iphone, but i think they're over rated (just my opinion) i've not got one, but i've seen people show me thiers. all they've been able to show me is some apps which don't actually do anything useful.
the iphones 'amazing new features' like recording video and stuff are all things which other hones have been doing for about 6 years.
i just wonder if you might be disappointed with one.

i've got a sony c905, its really good. great camera, it can do internet, theres a few basic apps you can download like a spirit level one but i'm sure there'll e more soon enough, wifi, gps blah blah blah.

jos - 23/8/09 at 06:50 PM

Ive been using a Nokia E71 for a while and much prefer it to the blackberry, although not a storm.

I also have a spare sim free, handset.

Have a look at its specs on Nokia's webiste and let me know if youre interested in it.

pgtips - 23/8/09 at 07:40 PM

Iphone is the one to go for mate.
I have tried the lot........I have been changing my phones every 4-6 months cos I was getting bored too quick with all off them.........I had my Iphone now for year and a half and I still enjoy it every time I turned on.

Try here for Iphones for sale or any phones.

[Edited on 23/8/09 by pgtips]

nitram38 - 23/8/09 at 08:00 PM

Which i-phone have you got?
Is it woth buying the 32gb 3G 'S' ?
They start at £550 unlocked!

pgtips - 23/8/09 at 09:02 PM

Originally posted by nitram38
Which i-phone have you got?
Is it woth buying the 32gb 3G 'S' ?
They start at £550 unlocked!

Nah just get the 16gb 3g and jailbrake it to do everything the s do and video camera.

pgtips - 23/8/09 at 09:07 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
what features do you need in a phone?

i know a lot of people swear by the iphone, but i think they're over rated (just my opinion) i've not got one, but i've seen people show me thiers. all they've been able to show me is some apps which don't actually do anything useful.
the iphones 'amazing new features' like recording video and stuff are all things which other hones have been doing for about 6 years.
i just wonder if you might be disappointed with one.

i've got a sony c905, its really good. great camera, it can do internet, theres a few basic apps you can download like a spirit level one but i'm sure there'll e more soon enough, wifi, gps blah blah blah.

Jailbrake your Iphone and never look back again.

edit: I just noticed that you haven't got one.....sorry

[Edited on 23/8/09 by pgtips]

ashg - 23/8/09 at 10:34 PM

i have got a nokia e71 and its a markable improvement over my work blackberry pile of poo.

i would like an iphone but when it comes to phones im a tight git. i would rather put my money into the car.

e71 is £20 per month with 600mins xnet 600mins to same net, unlimited internet, unlimited txts

stevebubs - 23/8/09 at 11:46 PM

Some banks offer Phone insurance as part of your current account deal....

nitram38 - 24/8/09 at 12:51 AM

Well the car is finished and I am in the middle of a 13 day run of 12 hour shifts with another 7 to follow after a days rest (goodwood 30th August), so I have ordered an unlocked iphone.
Now I will probably find the blackberry storm!

flak monkey - 24/8/09 at 07:03 AM

i-phone? Pah, just get a HTC XDA. They are at least half the price and you get most of the same features minus all the hype and gimmicks.

I have had them in various guises now for a few years and they have all been really good.

They run windows mobile too, so easy to sync with your pc, plus most have a GPS reciever built in so you just need a copy of TomTom and you are sorted for a GPS too.


ChrisW - 24/8/09 at 08:51 AM

Originally posted by flak monkey
i-phone? Pah, just get a HTC XDA. They are at least half the price and you get most of the same features minus all the hype and gimmicks.

BUT, they run Windows, and are therefore slow, clunky, and awful to use. In a mobile device I want all the functions to be a click or two away making them quick and intuitive to access. This is where the iPhone wins, in that it has the power of a smartphone but still in an interface I can use on the way home on a Friday night.


pgtips - 24/8/09 at 08:53 AM

Originally posted by flak monkey
i-phone? Pah, just get a HTC XDA. They are at least half the price and you get most of the same features minus all the hype and gimmicks.

I have had them in various guises now for a few years and they have all been really good.

They run windows mobile too, so easy to sync with your pc, plus most have a GPS reciever built in so you just need a copy of TomTom and you are sorted for a GPS too.


Yep that's the main problem with the XDA's........they run windows.......

I quess I am very Apple user......"cose it just works"

cd.thomson - 24/8/09 at 09:03 AM

stumbled on the iphone/alternatives debate in here. I dont have an iphone (until october) so I cant comment specifically on this.

All I know is I used to critique the ipod to everyone of my friends who had one "ah well, my sony has X amount of battery life" "my new creative has X number of compatible formats" etcetc until I was blue in the face.

Then I got an ipod because it was cheap and havent bought anything else since!

andkilde - 24/8/09 at 12:25 PM

Martin, will your provider give you a new SIM card?

There are plenty of older BB phones that have the same functionality as the Storm.

An 8800 series or 8300 series (World or Curve they're called over here) would suffice and are much easier to live with with a keyboard.

If any of your mates have newer Blackberry devices they'll likely as not have an older model or two in a drawer at home.

I'd ship you my old 7520 but it's an iDen phone so pretty much useless on your networks.

Cheers, Ted

nitram38 - 24/8/09 at 07:05 PM

Cheers for all the replies.
Vodafone are sending me a new sim and my iphone should arrive tommorrow!

pgtips - 24/8/09 at 07:17 PM

Originally posted by nitram38
Cheers for all the replies.
Vodafone are sending me a new sim and my iphone should arrive tommorrow!

Good lad..........

nitram38 - 25/8/09 at 09:18 PM

Got my 3GS iphone today. It;s the Dog's B*ll*cks!
It works already from my wifi internet at home. It is going to be brilliant for holidays abroad using the free hotel wifi.
Waiting for my vodaphone sim to arrive to complete the package.