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LOL! EDF energy sure are funny guys!
BenB - 7/9/09 at 11:32 AM

My garage is seperate to my house (about 100M away) so has it's own electricity supply...

Funny electricity bill
Funny electricity bill

You think after working out my energy usage for this quarter last year and for the last quarter they'd actually do something with those figures rather than just thinking "f*$k it, let's assume he's turned it into a disco"...

I think the problem is caused by the fact that not suprisingly I'm unlikely to be in when the meter man comes round once every two months....

dinosaurjuice - 7/9/09 at 11:35 AM

hilarious how the previous quarter is so small it doesnt even register on the graph! LOL

James - 7/9/09 at 11:53 AM

Our EDF bill has jumped up massively in the last quarter too.
My girlfriend has been blaming me for leaving the PC on too much!

From £17 a quarter to £75 or something.


scotlad - 7/9/09 at 12:09 PM

I swopped to Scittish Gas after EDF hiked our direct debit so we were £620 in credit!! I'm surprised they have any customers left if they treat everyone like that

[Edited on 7/9/09 by scotlad]

Mr Whippy - 7/9/09 at 12:10 PM

^ thats why I don't do bills with direct debit

Moorron - 7/9/09 at 12:18 PM

wow thats good.

However i think somethings gone on for most people.

I had my gas bill this month for the last 3 months usage and it was £4.78! but i also had a new gas meter fitted so i assumed they messed this part up, but looking into it deeped it was down to them reading my meter wrong (actual reading not estimates) last time and over charging me.

Sounds like it wide spread then, maybe they have blind poeple working for them?

scotlad - 7/9/09 at 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
^ thats why I don't do bills with direct debit

You must have more time to mess about than me. D/Ds save me a lot of messing around every month trying to remember to pay everybody. All the other buisnesses that i pay by direct debit dont p*ss me around like EDF (so far.....).

nick205 - 7/9/09 at 01:23 PM

EDF are not alone here let me tell you

I've tried EDF, British Gas, NPPower, Socttish Power and one other (can't remember which). They're all as bad as each other promising the earth and falling at the first hurdle on common sense, customer service and any other scale you might like to measure them on.

The number of suppliers should drive up quality, but they all know they have us over a barrel and for every customer who leaves them another will join.

It's one of those scenarios where if you could organise the entire country to boycot one or two suppliers completely for 6 months they would wake up and get themselves sorted.

ashg - 7/9/09 at 01:39 PM

call the billing line type in the proper reading and they will send you out a new correct bill. i got exactly the same the other month. if i were you i would get the garage running off the house supply. they charge you a service charge for that extra supply so you will be paying a service charge for the garage and the house.

[Edited on 7/9/09 by ashg]

BenB - 7/9/09 at 02:56 PM

To be fair the customer services people have been quite good and agreed that it's unlikely that I've turned my garage into a disco

New bill coming my way soon.....

iank - 7/9/09 at 03:00 PM

I suspect they put a mad estimate on to force you into calling in with a proper meter reading.
That or they know about the hydroponics system...