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t16turbotone - 3/10/09 at 09:40 AM

Woke up this morning to find a letter from the police stating that i done 34mph in a 30 zone £60 please. Apart from the total pathetic-ness of the 4 mph ime more than a little pissed off. I was out for a blat with Alex (aka omega) we were fully aware that the prick was waiting for us at the end of the road because numerous on coming motorists were warning us by flashing there headlights etc etc. I went past with my speedo reading 30, alex will confirm that. So after spending good money for electronic speedo and more good money to vosa to check my expensive speedo was reading correct, it all turns to shit! Sorry rant over....

blakep82 - 3/10/09 at 09:47 AM

hmm, i've noticed an increase in these roadside signs that flash 30mph when you go past them above 30mph indicated on the speedo, which means below 30mph.


ReMan - 3/10/09 at 09:48 AM

Bummer, yes pathetic, you'd feel better if it was 20 over!
You say you spent money with VOSA getting it calibrated. Surely it would be worth a try, going back to VOSA for another calibration check and if found good, could be worth challenging it, or the accuracy of the scamera van?

Peter Cowley - 3/10/09 at 09:51 AM

I thought the ACPO guidelines were 10% plus may just be offered the speed awareness course in place of the points......

The bad news they charge £80 for this........another £20 in the coffers for the pleasure of no points

t16turbotone - 3/10/09 at 10:01 AM

Ive NEVER heard of ANYONE who has successfully appealled against this kind of crap. Two months ago my workshop was broken into lost about 3K of tooling, couple of weeks ago younger brother was mugged and beaten up , there will be no resolution to these crimes.......yet we still having so called policemen dicking about on the sides of roads feeling like there doing a worthwhile job

MikeR - 3/10/09 at 10:09 AM

In theory if you're done for doing 34mph your speedo should be reading 37ish on a tin top. In toy cars are speedos are more likely to be accurate therefore the difference between getting caught or not is slimmer...

ie do 37 in the tintop and your on the edge of getting caught. Do 33 in the kit car you're on the edge as your physically doing the same speed.

Its unfortunate but I believe there is little you can do about it. they have evidence you've broken a law so they'll impose justice. The issue is its a very easy law to impose compared to the robbery / mugging.

adithorp - 3/10/09 at 10:14 AM

Is he dicking about or is he catching someone breaking the law?

rf900rush - 3/10/09 at 10:15 AM

I treat their pettiness the same.
If I can, I drive past at a silly slow speed to make my point and no chance of speeding.

But, if you want to play stupid, and drive your minimoto with no lid, no license,no everything else, then come round my way, it's appears to be allowed.

Hopefully some day the police will be allowed back to policing and not tax collecting.

Their resources seem unproportional to the crime.

My rant over.

MkIndy7 - 3/10/09 at 10:19 AM

Is there not the issue of where the camera or lazer or whatever hits on a 7 type car.

Tintops are big and square fronted, if you hit the rollbar with the first beam and the front numberplate with the second, could that not mean you were going quite a bit quicker.

Although it could just be one of those silly myths am sure I saw something like that on a program on TV.

clairetoo - 3/10/09 at 10:23 AM

Originally posted by adithorp
Is he dicking about or is he catching someone breaking the law?

I'd say he's dicking about............4 mph over some arbitrary limit is hardly a crime .

MikeRJ - 3/10/09 at 10:25 AM

Originally posted by MikeR
In theory if you're done for doing 34mph your speedo should be reading 37ish on a tin top. In toy cars are speedos are more likely to be accurate therefore the difference between getting caught or not is slimmer...

By law it can read anywhere from 34mph to 37.4mph. It's dangerous to assume all speedos read 10% out, many are quite a bit better than that...

MikeRJ - 3/10/09 at 10:26 AM

Originally posted by MkIndy7
Is there not the issue of where the camera or lazer or whatever hits on a 7 type car.

Tintops are big and square fronted, if you hit the rollbar with the first beam and the front numberplate with the second, could that not mean you were going quite a bit quicker.

Although it could just be one of those silly myths am sure I saw something like that on a program on TV.

"Slip error" is a known and proven issue with some laser speed guns, but the authorities like to ignore it and hope it goes away.

[Edited on 3/10/09 by MikeRJ]

MakeEverything - 3/10/09 at 10:32 AM

Originally posted by MkIndy7
Is there not the issue of where the camera or lazer or whatever hits on a 7 type car.

Tintops are big and square fronted, if you hit the rollbar with the first beam and the front numberplate with the second, could that not mean you were going quite a bit quicker.

Although it could just be one of those silly myths am sure I saw something like that on a program on TV.

No, the target is the number plate on the front, however proving that they werent aiming at that is impossible. This is one of the reasons i didnt understand how they can catch motorcyclists from the front, as all front surfaces are angles, and the rider moves...

There was a programme on TV the other day, which said that PCSO's were operating roadside speed detection equipment, and although they cannot stop people and ticket them, they can report you to the police and let them do the work.

I would ask for evidence before spending anything. Innocent until proven guilty (in theory).

The police round our way are fkin useless, and are more interested in tearing around with blue lights and swanning around than doing any proper police work.

02GF74 - 3/10/09 at 10:32 AM

annoying as it is I can't see how you can prove your speedo was accurate and the [police are in error... but hey, at least your engine has not blown up!.

omega0684 - 3/10/09 at 10:38 AM

mate i swear that the speedo was reading about 25 when we went past him because i double checked the speedo to make sure that you wern't speeding!

that is absolute bo**ocks in my eyes, i'll be a witness in court if you want to take it to court, but i doubt my testimonial will be of any good.

when you were at Vosa did they give you a read out for your speedo output?

you could always question the police on when the camera was last calibrated?

what about when we went out of the village and not coming into the village, can the police catch you for speeding if the car is travelling away from the camera?

expatkiwi - 3/10/09 at 10:51 AM

The filth has probably got something against 7 owners. Maybe his ex wife saw the light and ran off with a 7 owner so she could get around with her top down. That would be hilarious if it were true

Andi - 3/10/09 at 10:58 AM

my Sat nav seems pretty accurate. It always reads a few mph slower than the kit or tin top.
Give it ago

RichieHall - 3/10/09 at 11:01 AM

PCSO's? I though it was an offence to impersonate a police officer?

tomgregory2000 - 3/10/09 at 11:08 AM

Originally posted by RichieHall
PCSO's? I though it was an offence to impersonate a police officer?

t16turbotone - 3/10/09 at 11:13 AM

thanx for your comments people, just off to buy myself a track suit, heavy thick link gold chain, minimoto bike some big bad trainers and have some legal fun.

Staple balls - 3/10/09 at 11:21 AM

Originally posted by RichieHall
PCSO's? I though it was an offence to impersonate a police officer?

Danozeman - 3/10/09 at 01:13 PM

If you were both together seems strange only one of you got a ticket when you were obviously both together.?

[Edited on 3/10/09 by Danozeman]

prawnabie - 3/10/09 at 01:15 PM

They were both in the same car

JonBowden - 3/10/09 at 02:55 PM

how long ago was your speedo checked?
I think you should have reason to question this.
At least asking for the calibration info on their equipment

austin man - 3/10/09 at 03:36 PM

challenge it say that you are unsure who was driving at the time especially if there where 2 of you in the car and even more so if both can prove they are insured to drive it. Tiff Nidell got away with 100mph plus on the motorway stating he didnt know if it was him or his wife driving. Youve had it if they have a photo and it identifies you. At this point you will have to concede or challenge tje calibration of the equipment.

scootz - 3/10/09 at 04:08 PM

Originally posted by t16turbotone
yet we still having so called policemen dicking about on the sides of roads feeling like theyre doing a worthwhile job

These roles were civilianized years ago in Scotland... do Police Officers really still staff camera vans in England and Wales???

morcus - 3/10/09 at 08:00 PM

If you use a satnav, some of them record your speed onto the unit and I have seen this used as evidence (In a magazine article). I was under the impression the 34 was the very lowest speed you had to be doing to get done in a 30 limit as the devices are meant to have tollerences to allow for a slightly out speedo and things like determining the needle precisly on an analouge dial, so 34 seems abit suspicious as If its been knocked up just to catch you.

My source for the info about 34 was from my Driving instructor.

owelly - 3/10/09 at 09:14 PM

Using any evidence to prove your speedo reading is fruitless. You can't prove what wheels or tyres you had fitted and as far as the BiB or courts are concerned you were speeding. My ex-plod Volvo had a calibrated speedo but I still got zapped at 127mph. My speedo said 110........
The plod are considered to be 'expert witnesses' and as such, thier word is final. We all know how dishonest some of the coppers are but unless we all have cameras and techographs fitted, we can't fight back.
Actually I fight back by flicking V's at them under the dash board. That shows 'em!

JoelP - 3/10/09 at 09:16 PM

Originally posted by owelly
Actually I fight back by flicking V's at them under the dash board. That shows 'em!

my door card sees a lot of that too!

RichieHall - 5/10/09 at 10:02 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
Originally posted by owelly
Actually I fight back by flicking V's at them under the dash board. That shows 'em!

my door card sees a lot of that too!

The A pillar in the tin top gets the same treatment