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OT - mouldy grout ....
Jasper - 28/10/09 at 04:30 PM

My bathroom is suffering a bit with mould. It's only 4 years old, but I think we need better ventilation.

Anyway, what the best way to get rid of mould on the grout and the paintwork:

Do I need to grind it out? Or is there something I can treat it with?

twybrow - 28/10/09 at 04:32 PM

Bleach it - did my bathroom at the weekend. I just poured some thick bleach over all the dodgy looking bits, left it a few hours, and when I came back it looks like new.

Agriv8 - 28/10/09 at 04:45 PM

Old clothes, Rubber cloves, scrubbing brush and eye protection and CIVIT BANG or what ever the bloke shouts about on the tv Ad. Puple bottle IIRC

Apply onto grout and a lightly scrub ( Open a window ) leave and hour then scrub again and rinse Thouroughly. RE-treat any areas required ( very Few ).

Job done and Major brownie points from 'er indoors



Toltec - 28/10/09 at 04:48 PM

Bleach & scrub if needed.

You can also get grout cleaner from Screwfix etc.

If still stained the you can get paint type materials to apply on top though I have found just applying some new grout works well.

At worst rake it out and put new mould resistant grout in.

To stop it from coming back fit some ventilation.

bmseven - 28/10/09 at 04:53 PM

Just make sure to keep the bleach off any mastic

Guinness - 28/10/09 at 04:58 PM

And after you've dealt with the mould, in accordance with the advice above, you'll need an extractor fan to try to prevent future build up.


BenB - 28/10/09 at 05:33 PM

Bleach. Does the job. A good extractor fan on a humistat is a good preventative measure for future reference.

Jasper - 28/10/09 at 05:49 PM

Thanks chaps

britishtrident - 28/10/09 at 08:43 PM

Ebay item 180420484224 --- the effect last much longer than bleach -- will cause slight initial discolouration of grout but this goes after a week or so.

After that just use daily shower spray

bartonp - 29/10/09 at 09:09 AM

Proper bleach - Sodium hypochlorite. Most 'bleaches' sold these days are in fact dil. hydrochloric acid and won't work.

02GF74 - 29/10/09 at 10:02 AM

Originally posted by BenB
A good extractor fan on a humistat is a good preventative measure for future reference.

lowcost solution would be to open a window?

woodster - 29/10/09 at 10:14 AM

i just used some mildew remover spray from asda .. just spray it on and the black muck disappears