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Importing a vehicle from the Canaries
r1_pete - 11/11/09 at 10:18 AM

Anyone know where I can get some info on bringing a car into the UK from Gran Canaria? its originally from South Africa, and is legally in Cran Canaria. As GC is not part of Europe, I need to know whether taxes and duties etc. are payable...

All I can find is info about taking a UK car abroad.


bbwales - 11/11/09 at 10:27 AM

Hi Pete,

Usually if you own the car abroad for 6 months then there are no duties to be paid. You do however need to own the caqr in the UK for 1 year after importing it. I have done this a couple of times i.e. importing a car from Central America and then another from Europe.

When I imported the car from Europe they knew that I had been to Ireland (6 months) in the period that I owned it in Europe and they made me pay duty as in their eyes I had not owned it for a full 12 months in Europe. Was 12 months in those days.

This might have changed but I don't think it has.

Just found this for you



[Edited on 11/11/09 by bbwales]

scootz - 11/11/09 at 10:35 AM

If it's already yours then look here for guidance...


If you've just bought it and want to import it, then the car will be valued by Customs and you will pay 10% Import Duty on it, then 17.5% VAT on the cars value + the Import Duty. You usually have to pay a handling fee too.

I take it you're aware the car will need an IVA if it's not an EU vehicle???

belgian2b - 11/11/09 at 10:56 AM


as far as i know, Gran Canaria is a part of Spain , which is part of Europe.

So, rules should be the same as importing a car from any continental Eu country.


[Edited on 11/11/09 by belgian2b]

scootz - 11/11/09 at 11:07 AM

Originally posted by belgian2b

as far as i know, Gran Canaria is a art of Spain , which is part of Europe.

So, rules should be the same as importing a car from any continental Eu country.


Was just thinking that too! It's a Spanish island!

scootz - 11/11/09 at 11:26 AM

But it would have to have some paperwork to show it had been registered in GC or that the necessary EU / EC taxes had been paid in order to change the UK import requirements.

Alex. - 11/11/09 at 12:17 PM

Originally posted by belgian2b

as far as i know, Gran Canaria is a part of Spain , which is part of Europe.

So, rules should be the same as importing a car from any continental Eu country.


[Edited on 11/11/09 by belgian2b]

But the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are generally considered to be part of the UK, but are not in Europe...

They are Crown Protectorates, maybe the Canary Islands are a similar thing but with the Spanish?


r1_pete - 11/11/09 at 02:15 PM

Thanks Chaps, no I don't own it now, as Ciggarettes from Gran Canaria are limited to 200 I suspect import is not treated as per Europe. So, 10% duty and VAT at whatever rate make it completely not viable.

Thanks again for the advice.

bmseven - 11/11/09 at 02:36 PM

Gran Canaria is in the EU but