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2009 European Savate Championships
James - 12/11/09 at 03:54 AM

It's that time again!

Team of 10 or so of us going out to Spain tomorrow (Thurs) representing Great Britain for the 2009 European Savate Kickboxing Championships.

For those not already in the know here's quite a fun high-lights vid:

I'm personally hoping to retain (or ideally better!) my 2007 Silver medal in the 70-75kg category.

Only just finished packing- bed time!

Seeya when I get back! (assuming I'm substantially intact! ).


locoboy - 12/11/09 at 06:57 AM

All the best Dude, hope to see you back on here in one piece.

Have fun!

fesycresy - 12/11/09 at 09:19 AM

Good luck.

Pity it's the same time as the Clash of the Titans, would be interesting to see a team of yours there.

Jasper - 12/11/09 at 10:26 AM

I'm sure you'll beat that big scary French bloke this time mate

scootz - 12/11/09 at 10:30 AM

Best of luck to ya!

MikeR - 12/11/09 at 10:50 AM

I hope you kick ass (and other body parts).

Good luck.

Marcus - 12/11/09 at 01:06 PM

Good Luck James, hope to see the results posted here as soon as you win!!

JoelP - 12/11/09 at 04:01 PM

break a leg!

Ideally someone elses

Fozzie - 14/11/09 at 05:41 PM

News flash from James in Spain

Both James and his better half, Rach have made the final!

Both have France to beat........

Go James (and Rach).......Go.....

Fingers crossed.....will update when I get news....


MikeR - 14/11/09 at 06:12 PM

oh - my - god

I saw this thread updated and thought ... eeek, oh no.

then i saw it was Fozzie and thought .... hmmmm.


Good luck to the both of you, kick French ass!

Fozzie - 14/11/09 at 06:26 PM

Sorry to panic you Mike.....

I've heard from James again, and the final is this evening about 7pm our time, although he doesn't expect to start his fight until around 8pm (uk time)......


MikeR - 14/11/09 at 06:54 PM

Is it sad to be sat here thinking - if i delay going out i could get to see the result of the fight?

Errrm i mean see who stays in Strictly come dancing

Fozzie - 14/11/09 at 07:01 PM

As soon as I hear I will either post here or start a new thread........go and have fun....

I have just given him and Rach, the encouraging 'pep' talk ... LOL ......

Fozzie (pacing the floor)

Fozzie - 14/11/09 at 11:38 PM

Nothing heard

By this time, whatever the outcome, they are probably propping up a bar or three


Fozzie - 15/11/09 at 12:42 AM

Just heard from James.....

Rach's fight resulted in a draw from all 5 judges, so it went to the ring official to decide, and it went to France, so Rach got the Silver......

James said he had a good fight, and fought well, but the decision went to France.... So, also a Silver for James.....

No doubt he will tell you all more about it when he gets back...


MikeR - 15/11/09 at 10:10 AM

I stayed up till 12:15 hoping for a reply!

VERY well done to the two of you and bad luck on the obviously biased official!!!!!

Hope you both enjoyed the championships and the bruises aren't too bad.

Maybe James could become an Assistant Admin to help fozzie out. A sort of 'wait till your farther gets home' threat ..... although this will be 'wait till bloke with silver medals in kicking ass gets here & if you even think of getting cheeky with him, you wait till you meet his misses'

Fozzie - 15/11/09 at 02:25 PM

LOL Mike.......

No..... I can hold my 'own corner' thanks!....

It wouldn't worry me if I had to put 'our' James on the 'naughty step', should the need arise....European Silver Medallist or not..!..

Probably goes with, that in my past, always working with guys in a tough world......

and having a dad who was a heavy-weight boxer......


James - 16/11/09 at 12:30 PM

Thanks for updating everyone Foz!

Originally posted by MikeR
I stayed up till 12:15 hoping for a reply!

VERY well done to the two of you and bad luck on the obviously biased official!!!!!

Hope you both enjoyed the championships and the bruises aren't too bad.

Maybe James could become an Assistant Admin to help fozzie out. A sort of 'wait till your farther gets home' threat ..... although this will be 'wait till bloke with silver medals in kicking ass gets here & if you even think of getting cheeky with him, you wait till you meet his misses'

Sorry it was so late Mike.

In the end the fights didn't start till late. Also, my fight was put on as top billing and therefore the last fight (of 16) of the event as opposed to having the heavyweights as the final fight.

After medal ceremony and having to leg it from the venue to shower, change and get ready for getting pissed it was rather late before I got round to texting Fozzie!


[Edited on 16/11/09 by James]

Fozzie - 16/11/09 at 12:54 PM

Never mind James!

Please start a new thread......and tell us the gory details.....

I put the info on here to update those who were following this thread...and thought I would leave it to you to announce your result to the rest of LB on a new thread.


Edit to add....I see you beat me to it... (new thread)

[Edited on 16-11-09 by Fozzie]